• November 9, 2016
  • 23
IASbaba's Think Learn Perform 2016, IASbaba's TLP - 2016
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Q1.)  Analyze the factors leading to the end of the Cold war and account for the U.S. ascendancy in the world.  [20 Marks,400 words]

Q2.) “By the 1980s, the Communist system of the Soviet Union was incapable of maintaining the country’s role as a Superpower.” Explain this statement.[20 Marks,400 words]

Q3.)  Examine the challenges confronted by the proponents of European unity after the collapse of Soviet Empire in Eastern Europe. [20 Marks,400 words]

Q4.)  “With the Cold War over and the Soviet Union gone, the face of international diplomacy has undergone a metamorphosis.” Critically examine. [10 Marks,200 words]

Q5.)  ” The essence of Perestroika is for people to feel they are country’s master.” — Gorbachev. Critically evaluate. [10 Marks,200 words]

Q6.) Analyses the factors for the collapse of Soviet Communism and Soviet Union during 1985-1991. [ 20 Marks,400 words]

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