IASbaba's OPTIONAL Classes
Political Science & International Relations

Dear Students,
PSIR Optional has been the top choice ever Since the inception of Optional Subjects in UPSC. In recent times PSIR Optional has been gaining Currency amongst the aspirants from South India as well.
Why PSIR Optional has become the Top Choice for UPSC Aspirants.
- PSIR Optional Covers around 70% of General Studies( Entire Paper-2: Polity,Governance and IR, Paper-4 : around 80% of Ethics , General Essay, Paper-1 : Freedom Movement and Paper-3 : Economic development. Hence PSIR Optional Saves tremendous time and energies of an aspirant of UPSC there by it makes the road to UPSC easier.
- Plays a Game Changer role in Prelims ( Polity, Freedom Movement and IR)
- Nature of Questions-Direct
- Definite, Standard and limited Books and Material are available beyond which the UPSC Cannot ask questions Eg- For Political Ideologies- Andrew Heywood, etc. and IASbaba Provides Comprehensive dictated Class notes gleaned from these Standard Sources
- Simple to Understand irrespective of the academic background of the aspirants as the Optional does not Comprise any intricacies either of Natural Sciences or Maths
- Consistently Producing the toppers in the Top 20 ever Since the inception of Optional Subjects in UPSC Civil Services
- PSIR Optional Plays Vital role in answering the questions in the interview as it Provides deep Insights into Polity, Democratic Institutions and Processes, Governance and Global Politics
- High Scoring, there will be Special emphasis on Political Ideologies, Western Political thought and Political theory in Paper-1 to decimate the myth that Paper-1 is of low Scoring
- PSIR Optional Plays Pivotal role in understanding the Current events in a right earnest as it Provides Conceptual Clarity in Polity, Governance , Democratic institutions and Processes, economic development and Global Politics
- The diverse Syllabus of the Optional enables the aspirants to have a broad and a holistic approach to GS and General Essay
To enable the aspirants to realize their goal, IASbaba has Come with..
Foundation Course for PSIR Optional
PSIR Optional Foundation Course is a Comprehensive Program of Political Science and International Relations, a Complete Study of Political theory, Political thought, Political Ideologies and Polity Provides deep Insights into intricate and Complex aspects of Political and Democratic Phenomena in India and across the world which makes the aspirant not only to Score high in UPSC but also become an able administrator and a Sophisticated Citizen of the Country.
A Comprehensive Study of Indian National Movement and Economic development inculcates a Nationalist Impulse amongst the Aspirants.
Kiran Anishetti Sir‘s and Sandeep Mahajan Sir‘s PSIR Optional Classes Will help you to Score 300+ In PSIR Optional. The Classes Will also enable you to Score high in GS and General Essay.
The Ecosystem of PSIR Optional Foundation Course is designed in Such a way that even a student with no Specialized Knowledge in the Subject will be able to Compete On an even footing with experienced Candidates and face the questions with Utmost Confidence.
We Will also recommend this Program for the students who are yet to decide their Optional because of the Sheer fact that PSIR Optional has the widest Overlap in G.S and General Essay.
PSIR Optional
Foundation Course-
400 + Hours of Classes
Personal Mentorship
Class Notes
24 Sectional Tests
2 Full-Length Tests
Complete Coverage of Syllabus
Organic Linkages with Current Affairs
If you still have any queries regarding the programme, do write to us on support@iasbaba.com or call us on +91 91691 91888 (10 AM to 5 PM).
- IASbaba's PSIR Optional Mains Test Series, Political Science and International Relations (PSIR) by Rahul Saigaonker, Political Science and International Relations (PSIR) Optional Classes, Political Science and International Relations (PSIR) Optional Classes Bangalore, Political Science and International Relations (PSIR) Optional Classes Delhi, Political Science and International Relations (PSIR) Optional Mains Test Series