Baba's Gurukul

From the ancient times we have had the tradition of imparting knowledge directly from a Guru to Shishya. The process of this direct dissipation of information from the source not only built knowledge base but also helped in building a strong character’ in the students.
The mechanism was called ‘Gurukul’
Where students were like the family of a Guru.
But with the present education system, students have become more distant from the teachers. There is a strong dis-connect! This lack of connection between the teachers and the students and fear of asking questions has not helped much in the process of learning as it should have actually happened.
Considering the impact and efficiency of the age-old practice, we decided to revive the good old structure of Gurukul with modern changes to continue the Guru – Shishya Parampara.
So, what made this Gurukul unique? It was the special bond that the Guru and Shishya used to share with each other. The affection of the Guru for his pupil and the respect of the Shishya for his teacher made learning a pure and immersive process. The stories of teachers like Vishvamitra, Sandinapani and Drona and the anecdotes about the brilliance of students like Ram, Krishna and Arjun are an integral part of our life journey. Isn’t it? We wondered if the parampara could be revived!
Yes, it could! With this intent we started the Gurukul program two years back at IASbaba. When we started this initiative, we were very sure that the process will be liked by the students and most importantly it will become the most result-oriented program in the history of UPSC/IAS coaching. The result of the first batch exceeded our own expectations! 3 Ranks out of 50 Students, 40% Success rate in Prelims, 33% Success rate in Mains.
Yes! We are in the process of making your UPSC journey a more intimate one. We are going to redefine the relationship between the teacher and the students to ensure that the UPSC aspirants get an opportunity to prepare in a highly focussed environment, under the close guidance of a Guru.
Although it would be unfair to expect the same level of dedication and discipline in today’s modern times, in terms of its overall essence and objectives, we can always make an honest attempt to create a milieu where the benefits of Guru-Shishya parampara can be reaped in a modern avatar.
There are two set of aspirants: A Fresher and a Veteran
- ‘Fresher’ is someone who has just passed out of the college with a dream of becoming an IAS, but has no idea about UPSC Prepartion.
- ‘Fresher’ is someone who knows about UPSC exam but not about the demands and needs. He/She aspires to crack it but have no idea about the approach and quality inputs to be put.
- All in all, he/she has just seen the syllabus and previous years questions but have no idea about the overall preparation journey.
- A Veteran is someone who has appeared for UPSC once or twice/ or has at least spent a year or more in preparation.
- He/She has decent idea about the demand and requirements of this examination but lack of quality approach and guidance has been lacking leading to unsuccessful attempts.
Problems Faced by Aspirants Which Were Not Taken Care by Regular Coaching
“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” – Abraham Lincoln
UPSC Preparation is like a ‘Marathon’ and not a ‘100 Meters Sprint’.
- If you try to go too fast, you will run out of fuel. An uphill mile may require a lot from us, but even with this immediate challenge, we have to keep some energy, patience, and passion in reserve for the miles to come.
- UPSC Preparation requires a consistent follow up of a detailed and micro-level planning to excel throughout.
- In Gurukul, we will focus on the micro-planning approach to be followed by every individual. This will ensure that your energy is channelized on a daily basis for months and the outcomes are focused and well planned from Day-1.
“If people are doubting how far you can go, go so far that you can’t hear them anymore.” – Michele Ruiz
- Lack of motivation is a hard known reality among aspirants. They start pretty well with high-motivation and aspirations. But the motivation fades away after a few days. To ensure that every aspirant of Gurukul is motivated through out the programme, we have a dedicated team of mentors who will take care of your psychological well being too.
- You can talk to mentors and IASbaba Team and discuss your issues. Most importantly, Gurukul set up will be bound by constant motivational activities and competitive environment that will automatically force you to be in the ‘sphere of influence’ (Determined Peer Group).
“My mentor said, ‘Let’s go do it,’ not ‘You go do it.’ How powerful when someone says, ‘Let’s!’” — Jim Roh
- A SINGLE strategy is not meant to cater to group of individuals. And that’s what happens in regular coaching classes where you are among hundreds and thousands of aspirants sitting in a one-way teaching process. Top of it, there is no mentorship and one-on-one attention and interaction.
- In Gurukul, we will focus on each individual based on their strength and weaknesses. This is the approach that we have been following in Gurukul, where individual learning and progress is given utmost importance.
- And to generate and create the best, we are determined to focus on your end-to-end needs.
Our motto in the mentorship will be LET’S DO IT TOGETHER!
“Take care of the minutes and the hours will take care of themselves.” – Lord Chesterfield
- Time-management is the key in this preparation.
- Since we have a micro-level planning for the entire programme, it is obvious and inherent that the focus will be on effective time-management.
You will be building the foundation from the very start of the programme and consistency in doing so will take care of the end result.
- It is quite natural to lose momentum and you are no exception.
- The Gurukul programme is designed in such a way that you won’t be falling into the trap of irregularity and inconsistency.
- To ensure this, you will have a strong and dedicated peer group along with ‘Mentor-Guru’ to rely on.
- Mains Answer Writing is an integral and crucial aspect of your preparation.
- The vastness of Mains Syllabus and its demand requires a dedicated approach for which you need to practice it a lot.
- Along with strengthening the foundation, you will have regular mains answer writing sessions, tests, discussions and feedback.
- The best part will be the discussions with your mentor on the same.
- This is where ‘Gurukul’ will stand out.
- Timely assessment and analysis are a crucial aspect in one’s journey.
- Since our focus is entirely on strengthening your foundation and micro-level planning techniques, regular tests and assessment/analysis are inherent part of our strategy.
- In regular coaching, there is no accountability and individual assessment and that is where, GURUKUL will make a difference.
- Market is flooded with content and it has become a trend to acquire everything in the market and feel happy about it.
- UPSC is like an ocean but to cross it, diving deep is not required rather swimming with strategy and proper training is the need.
- IASbaba is known for quality content and we have always ensured that the quality never gets compromised.
- Revision is the key to success in any examination.
- It doesn’t matter how much you studied or made notes, if you aren’t able to produce it in examination, it has zero value.
- Gurukul will not only ensure quality time for revision but strategy by mentors to be more productive in revision.
- Again, a very pertinent aspect of this journey is the feeling of being alone or left out.
- In Gurukul that will be taken care since the whole group will act like a family.
- A quality/good Peer group is extremely important for you to excel or improve your performance and productivity.
- GURUKUL students will be having this advantage of having a great companionship/support of quality aspirants who will automatically push you to work hard and enhance the productivity
- Since you have the companionship of mentor and a great peer group, negativity will be distant fear in any case.
- In the process of learning, it is obvious to fail sometimes but to try consistently is what we will push you for.
- And GURUKUL will make sure that no such negativity prevails through out the journey.
- Procrastination is one of the common problems affecting the aspirants and those who are unable to get out of it, suffers miserably.
- Since GURUKUL students will have a cohort group of sincere aspirants and handholding of mentors, procrastination will be procrastinated from their schedule 😊
Above & Beyond Regular Coaching..!
- Gurukul Foundation is for aspirants who have 0% knowledge about the syllabus but are dedicated and sincere to achieve their goal of clearing the exam in very 1st attempt.
- Gurukul Foundation is open for all subject to a screening test.
- Students are selected after a screening test which consists of a basic aptitude test and an Interview.
- Please note that no prior UPSC Syllabus knowledge required. The screening test is in place to weed out non-sincere aspirants and to have a top-quality peer group.
P.S: Once you complete filling out the Registration Form (including a short screening test), you will receive a call from us within 24 hours.
Instead of sitting in a class of 500 students in some Regular Coaching’, imagine yourself being a part of Baba’s GURUKUL, which is above and beyond regular classroom coaching with these exclusive features.
There will be one on one interaction with Mohan sir on a regular basis, and sir will be grooming you personally. There will also be a team of MENTORS who will be available and accessible to you on a daily basis. They will keep a check on your performance in the tests conducted and guide you according to your strengths and weaknesses.
Mentorship is the most important feature of the Gurukul Program. Mentor will be your friend, philosopher and guide throughout this journey. Mentor will be very approachable and you will be spending 4-5 hours everyday with the mentor. Mentor will help you stay motivated and keep a track on your performance.
Every student will be provided with a Dedicated Mentor, who will monitor your progress, give you feedback, motivate and guide you in the Right Path!
The students can contact his/her mentor for any difficulties regarding preparation. This will keep an external check and will help in maintaining accountability throughout the preparation process.
Based on your individual Strengths & Weaknesses focus areas will be told to you, so that you will be able to enhance your overall score.
One hour will be completely dedicated to Current Affairs. Initially the mentor will help you on how to identify the important articles from the Newspaper according to exam requirements. He will guide you on ‘What to Read’ and ‘How to Read’.
- NCERT forms the foundation of civil services which cannot be ignored.
- We assume that students are starting with 0% Knowledge and we teach them from the basic NCERTs to the standards expected from UPSC.
- To make your foundation strong, we have included exclusive classes on NCERT in a theme-wise manner, rather than book-wise.
- While teaching we always keep in mind that building the basics in every subject is very important.
- Every subject is preceded by a Strategy or an Approach class where sessions will be in sync with UPSC trend with previous year’s questions analysis and discussing the topics where the probability of asking the question is more.
- The UPSC trend analysis and the approach classes will give you clarity on what to read, what not to read, and how to read. This will help you in building a strong foundation in your preparation.
- Current Affairs is the most important part of the Civil Services Examination (CSE). High number of questions are asked directly or indirectly in all three stages of the exam i.e. Prelims, Mains and Interview.
- Exclusive Weekly Current Affairs Classes – 48 Classes
- Essay Preparation is often ignored and taken for granted by both the aspirants and the traditional coaching institutes. UPSC CSE 2021 Essay Paper was a nightmare for majority of the aspirants and was an eye-opener. So, to keep the students ready, we deliver and discuss each and every possible theme (Special focus on Philosophical Essays) on which essays can be asked by the UPSC.
- 10 Exclusive Essay Classes – Each and Every Theme will be discussed in detailed and Live Essay Writing in the Class.
Studying all day long won’t make any sense if you are not practicing the questions. Daily Prelims and Mains Practice is an integral part of Baba’s Gurukul Foundation’s Unique Pedagogy.
Practice makes perfect, and you will learn and find solutions in ways you never imagined possible and this will reflect in your scores.
- CURRENT AFFAIRS TESTS – 26 (50 Questions)
- FULL-LENGTH TESTS – 5 (100 Questions)
- CSAT FULL-LENGTH TESTS – 10 (80 Questions)
- MODULWISE TESTS – 21 TESTS (14 Questions)
- A major portion of the classes will be focused on conceptual understanding and analysing an issue from 360 degrees. Interlinking all GS papers and static portions with current affairs forms the core of the program.
- It is also a major problem faced by all the students that what and how many sources are to be covered. With our ‘Value Add’ notes (VAN), you will be able to declutter the complexity of UPSC syllabus. The VANs are high-quality specialised reading materials to give you an edge over your competitors. VANs have been designed intelligently to give separate prelims and mains focus pointers to make your understanding seamless and smooth. The notes will be given topic wise for all the topics in syllabus (Prelims and Mains) to ease your preparation.
The Schedule is designed in such a way that the targets are achievable for a sincere and serious aspirant. The schedule is practical, in the sense that adequate time is given to prepare for each test along with optimum revision time and regular breaks.
We have tried to sync the Prelims and Mains Tests wherever possible.
One will have adequate time between every test to work upon the shortcomings and improve on it. Mentorship will have a greater role to play and will have a greater impact.
We have made sure that you are able to devote 3-4 hours every day for your optional subject.
Two Months of Exclusive Focus on Prelims 2023.
There will be regular ‘Interaction sessions with the Toppers/Ex-Bureaucrats’, where you will get hands-on experience on the services and their experiences on the field.
To make the classroom a vibrant and energetic place, extracurricular activities will be arranged during the course duration.
A Day @ Baba's Gurukul
- You will be spending 4-5 hours daily at the center along with the mentor.
- There will be a class every day, where in faculty will discuss each and every aspect which will make sure that the students have complete conceptual clarity.
- After the class, you’ll be solving a Micro Prelims Test and write answer to one Mains question which will take care of the regular test practice. The Mains question given for the practice will be discussed by the mentor/faculty, so that the students understand to prioritise the points and structure the answer.
- Everyday, there will also be mentor monitored current affairs discussion. One hour will be completely dedicated to Current Affairs. Initially the mentor will help you on how to identify the important articles from the Newspaper according to exam requirements. He will guide you on ‘What to Read’ and ‘How to Read’.
What after I get selected for Gurukul Foundation?
As soon as you are enrolled in ‘Gurukul Foundation’ after the screening, you’ll get access to following things:
- NCERT Classes – Polity and Geography along with Value-Add Notes (VAN) followed by Daily Prelims Practice.
- Babapedia (One Stop Destination for Current Affairs) – Access to Prelimspedia and Mainspedia for a streamlined Current Affairs Preparation.
- Mentorship – You will be in touch with your mentor the very next day you get enrolled.
- Mentor Monitored Current Affairs Group Discussions – One hour will be completely dedicated to Current Affairs. Initially the mentor will help you on how to identify the important articles from the Newspaper according to exam requirements. He will guide you on ‘What to Read’ and ‘How to Read’.
A Rigorous, Intensive Tests & Mentorship Based Programme
Only a limited number of students who are highly dedicated will be selected through multiple rounds of scrutiny. Seats are limited as one on one mentorship is possible only with a limited number of students.
The selection process will be similar to UPSC standards, comprising of one Prelims Test (50 MCQ’s – 100 marks; Syllabus will include current affairs of last one year and static GS topics + Objective CSAT questions), one Mains Test – 150 marks (it will include an essay based on Current Issues and case studies of Ethics to check the approach of candidates) and a Personality Test (it will be conducted to check the dedication of candidates and their level of understanding of Current Issues).
Mode of Test: ONLINE Only
Total Marks: 250
Date of Entrance Test –
- 21st May, 2022 (Saturday)
- 12th June, 2022 (Sunday)
- 25th June, 2022 (Saturday)
Timings – 11:00 am (2 Hours and 30 Minutes)
- The Entrance Test will be ONLINE Only.
- This is NOT a Scholarship Test.
There will be one on one interaction with Mohan sir on a regular basis, and sir will be grooming you personally. There will also be a team of MENTORS who will be available and accessible to you on a daily basis. They will keep a check on your performance in the tests conducted and guide you according to your strengths and weaknesses.
Based on your individual Strengths & Weaknesses focus areas will be told to you, so that you will be able to enhance your overall score. The Mains test evaluation will be done in detail and the student will be given personalised feedback. This will help in gradually writing good answers within the time frame given by UPSC.
This will help you in building concepts, form rational opinions, enhance communication skills.
The Program runs for 11 months starting from July 2022 to May 2023.
As you can see in the detailed schedule, we have made this program comprehensive with an intensive plan, materials/notes, regular tests, discussions, classes & guidance so that you are on your toes and this one program is enough for you to crack this exam.
(Each selected after an Extensive Process of ‘Entrance Test’ which involves Prelims, Mains & Interview) – A good peer group is required to push you to your limits. All of you will be able to interact with each other. This will boost healthy competition. This will also help you in gauging your level of preparation in comparison with the best of the bests.
Special Strategy sessions will be taken to make you learn How to Tackle each Subject and How to make Notes like a Topper!
- Strategy Class – For Prelims on how to clear the cut-off & maximise your score with Previous Year Question (PYQ) Analysis.
- CSAT Classes – Since it has become an Achilles heel for many aspirants.
- Approach Class – On how to approach/read each Paper (GS1, GS2, GS3), value additions & expectations from UPSC along with PYQ Analysis.
- Strategy Class – On nuances of Answer Writing – how to start with answer writing, Time Management, value additions in each paper & maximize your marks in Mains etc.
- Discussion Class after each Mains Test.
- Special Approach Class for Ethics – Focusing on Theory and Case Studies
- Special Approach Class for Essay – Focusing on both Theme based and Philosophical Essays.
Total 177 Tests (83 MAINS Tests + 94 PRELIMS Tests)
Exclusive CURRENT AFFAIRS TESTS for both Prelims and Mains.
Every 5th Day – Mains Test
Every 6th Day – Prelims Test
Every 7th Day – Holiday
Every Two Weeks – Exclusive Current Affairs Test (Prelims & Mains)
Every Two Weeks – Exclusive Essay Test
Prelims Tests are divided into (Total 94 Tests)
- 26 Current Affairs Tests (April 2022 to April 2023)
- 44 Sectional Wise Tests
- 6 Subject wise Revision Sectional Tests
- 3 Exclusive Tests (Map based, Economic Survey & Budget, Government Schemes & Policies)
- 5 Full-Length Mock Tests
- 10 CSAT Full-Length Tests
Mains Tests are divided into (Total 83 Tests)
- 22 Micro Current Affairs Tests – 1 Hour
- 37 Sectional Tests (GS1, GS2, GS3, GS4) – 1 Hour
- 14 Exclusive ESSAY Tests – Theme based and philosophical – 1.5 Hours
- 10 Full-length MOCK Tests (GS1, GS2, GS3, GS4) – 3 Hours
Note: Every Mains Test will be Evaluated & Synopsis will be provided along with Discussion & Strategy Classes before & after the Mains Tests.
The Schedule is designed in such a way that the targets are achievable for a sincere and serious aspirant. The schedule is practical, in the sense that adequate time is given to prepare for each test along with optimum revision time and regular breaks.
We have tried to sync the Prelims and Mains Tests wherever possible.
One will have adequate time between every test to work upon the shortcomings and improve on it. Mentorship will have a greater role to play and will have a greater impact.
We have made sure that you are able to devote 3-4 hours every day for your optional subject.
Two Months of Exclusive Focus on Prelims 2023.
Strategic Coverage of Syllabus – Questions for both Prelims and Mains Tests will be framed in such a way that the complete syllabus will be covered. Also, the topics are selected in such a way that you can cover the syllabus three times before your Prelims exam.
The program is designed in such a way that your progress is smooth and you can learn time management right from the beginning.
Step by Step improvement in answer writing along with better time management. It is important that you learn how to divide your time in a 3 hour Test. This you will be able to learn only when you are writing module-wise tests.
There will be regular ‘Interaction sessions with the Toppers/Ex-Bureaucrats’, where you will get hands-on experience on the services and their experiences on the field.
To make the classroom a vibrant and energetic place, extracurricular activities will be arranged during the course duration.
How will Gurukul work for Online Students?
- We have made the difference between Online and Offline negligible.
- All the features that the offline students will be getting are almost replicated in the online scenario.
- Mohan Sir will be having regular sessions with the online students.
- You will get access to IASbaba’s eLearn Portal ( to access all the deliverables – Classes, Babapedia, Prelims and Mains Tests etc.
- Daily Classes will be live for the online students, who can even interact with the faculty on a real time basis.
- Mentor monitored Current Affairs Discussion will also be held on a real time basis.
Gurukul Foundation Online
74,999 + 13,500(18% GST)
Gurukul Foundation Offline
Lucknow: Rs.83,999 + GST
Bengaluru: Rs.83,999 + GST
Delhi: Rs.96,999 + GST
Gurukul Advanced Online
44,999 + 8,100(18% GST)
Gurukul Advanced Offline
48,999 + 8,820(18% GST)
Despite providing so many features in Gurukul Foundation, why did we make it more affordable?
- This is the first time such kind of a course is launched by any coaching institute which is above and beyond the regular coaching. We want to make sure that it reaches a greater number of students, so that they will understand the quality and importance of such a course in this era of mass coaching.
- We are trying to bring in a paradigm shift in the way UPSC/CSE Coaching is being done.
- Avail the benefit of getting all these features at the lowest possible price!
Public Administration
Kannada Literature
Still Confused?
You can call us on 91691 91888 or mail us at
Or visit our centres:
Delhi: Plot 22-B, 3rd floor, Pusa Road, Bada Bazar Marg, Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi- 110060 Landmark: Above Dominos
Bengaluru: No.38, 3rd Cross, 1st Phase, 2nd Stage, 60 Feet Main Road, Chandra Layout, Attiguppe, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560040 Landmark: opposite to BBMP Building
Lucknow: B-1/66, Sector J, Aliganj, Lucknow – 226024 Landmark: Near Mr Brown / Opp to Sahu Studio
- Baba's Gurukul, How to become IAS in first attempt, How to clear UPSC in 1st attempt, How to clear UPSC in first attempt, IAS 2023, IASbaba's Gurukul, IASbaba's Mentorship Program, IASbaba's Mentorship Programme, Test Series Based Programme, Test Series with Mentorship, UPSC 2023, UPSC Guidance, UPSC Mains Test Series, UPSC Prelims Test Series