Creative Guidance – Find Your Poet – Inspirational & Educative Articles

Creative Guidance-IASbaba, Inspirational & Educative Articles

Find Your Poet:

A poet is born in moments of ecstatic joy and in moments of unbearable pain. A poet is like a farmer, his whole meaning and purpose comes from being close to the earth, close to nature. Just as a farmer is close to the earth in savoring its smells and flavors, a poet is closer to his emotions in savoring its every pleasure and pain. Poetry is an expression of the human soul that transcends all social barriers. In moments of aloneness and contemplation, there is nobody within us, except a poet.

While most people dismiss poetry as unnecessary, illogical deviations of the mind, only a poet knows that his life is nothing but a poem. Take away the element of poetry from life; life is nothing but a long, arduous and pointless movement towards some imaginary reality that doesn’t exist. Only poetry gives meaning to life, for life is as illogical as poetry.

Poetry has the ability to change the definition and meaning of a situation of life. There is nothing that can escape the scrutiny of a poet’s eye. Seen from the poet’s eye, tragedies become comedies; painful situations become humorous; failures become successes. A poet can create his own experiences because he is not concerned with the reality at all. He is only concerned with his perception of reality. If there is something we all can learn from a poet, it is the ability to see things from our own individual perspective, there in hides our happiness.

Titanic sank. Everybody remembers it as one of the greatest tragedies. Here is a poet’s version of the tragedy.

“Who does not love the Titanic?

If they sold passage tomorrow for that same crossing,

Who would not buy?


To go down….We all go down, mostly

alone. But with crowds of people, friends, servants,

well fed, with music, with lights! Ah!


And the world, shocked, mourns, as it ought to do

And almost never does. There will be the books and movies

to remind our grandchildren who we were

and how we died, and give them a good cry.


Not so bad, after all. The cold

Water is anesthetic and very quick.

The cries on all sides must be a comfort.

We all go: only a few, first-class.”


– David R, Slavitt


If you are a poet by heart, you can sail through the struggles and challenges of life untouched. You can let go of criticism and ridicule, you can forgive and love, you can dream and hope. If someone says that you are mad, you can just tell them that you are a poet. In a poet, you can find your refuge.

“The articles are a copyright of The Ahamo Movement and IASBABA.”


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