Creative Guidance – Staying Relaxed – Inspirational Educative Articles

  • IAS baba
  • May 12, 2019
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Creative Guidance-IASbaba, Inspirational & Educative Articles
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Staying Relaxed:

Very few things are as important as staying relaxed in today’s fast, complex and confusing world. It is very easy to get lost in the constant noise of daily living and forget that the best of who we are comes from a relaxed, calm and composed state of mind.

Nothing significant has ever been achieved from a disturbed and agitated state of mind. Relaxation is the key to harnessing the best part of our selves. When we are relaxed, we think clearly, solve problems, act rationally and handle great challenges.

On the contrary when we are agitated and disturbed, we more often than not mess up something. How often has this happened in your life when you have done something stupid in a disturbed state of mind and then regretted doing it? Similarly how often have you been able to solve problems and handle situations better when you are in a calm and relaxed state of mind?

It is very important to understand that we human beings are products of our emotional states. Nothing determines our course of life more than how we act during different states of our minds. Knowing and understanding the constantly changing nature of our mind will help us deal with it better.

There is absolutely no disputing the benefits of having calm and relaxed personality. So, how do we cultivate the habit of staying relaxed? How do we deal with our fast paced modern lifestyle? How do we bring relaxation into our lives? What exactly we can do to relax?

First and foremost, the secret of relaxation is learning how to stay in the present moment. Mental disturbance and agitation is simply a result of our mind racing either into the past or into the future. When we are constantly oscillating between the past the future, mental disturbance is a natural consequence.

Learning how to focus on the present moment is one of the greatest skills you can develop in order to stay calm and relaxed. Here are a few tips you can use:

  1. Be mindful of what is happening around you all the time. This will ensure that you are not being surprised and disturbed. When you are aware of what is happening around you, you will be in more control of your life.
  2. Take responsibility for your actions. Instead of indulging in a blame game, accept responsibility and make the necessary changes.
  3. When you are in a disturbed state of mind, do not make any important decisions.
  4. Learn how to identify disturbed state of mind and slowly transform it into a neutral and then positive experience. Deal with your mind slowly and gradually.

“This article is a part of the creative endeavor of Inner-Revolution and IASBABA.

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