Koraput tribals

UPSC Articles

Koraput tribals

Part of: GS Prelims and GS – I –  Culture and GS- III – Economy

In news Coffee producing company Tata Coffee is set to buy coffee beans grown by tribal people in Koraput district of Odisha.

  • It is likely to give confidence to tribal coffee growers for continuing their beverage plantation.

Major Tribes of Koraput district

Tribes Features
  • Gadabas belong to the Munda group of tribes 
  • They speak Gutab and Desia dialect of the Austro-Asiatic language family. 
  • Extensively practice shifting cultivation and they cultivate a mix variety of millets, pulses and niger. 
  • Fond of dance and music. 
  • Famous for their typical Dhemsa dance which is performed by the women wearing saree called Kereng
  • Mostly depends on agriculture for their livelihoods.
  • Adorn a black bead of necklace worn around the neck. 
  • Their popular dances include Junia Nach and Chera Chera Nach.
  • Parojas are one of the largely populated tribes of this region.
  • Their artistic talents find expression in Dhemsa, Dungdunga dances and in laga songs.
  • The Sauras are one of the most ancient tribes in Odisha mentioned in Hindu myths and classics, notably the Purans.
  • They have the habit of always carrying an axe over their shoulder
  • Their primitive occupation of hunting & living on the spoil of chase
  • They speak an ancient Mundari dialect of their own called ‘Sora’. It belongs to the Austric family of languages

News Source: TH

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