Think and Learn-2015, TLP Mains 2015, UPSC, UPSC Mains- Think and Learn-2015
Must Refer– Comprehensive Mains Strategy Weekly Plans
Password- TLP2015
[Day 31]:Disaster Mangement
Note- Click on the Questions to write answers. Password– TLP2015
Word Limit- 220
From now onward we will follow these guidelines for sustainable run of this initiative.
- For every question we will try our best to review ‘ONE BEST ANSWER and ONE NOT SO GOOD’
- Why ONE BEST- So that for everyone it act as reference for improvement.
- Why ONE NOT SO GOOD– So that others can realize and correct their mistakes
For everyone to get reviews we have zeroed on following scheme of reference:
Marking Scheme
- Best Answer
- Within Word Limit
- Brilliant Structure & writing style along with super content
- This is the answer, others have to look for as a bench mark other than our Synopsis and Review
- Very Good answer
- A bit of improvement is required
- Do look for this answer for additional points and different approach if any
- Decent Answer
- Word Limit Exceeded
- Some improvement in structure but content wise very good
- Poor answer/average
- Word Limit Exceeded
- Needs lot of improvement
- Very Poor answer/below average
- Structure wise, content wise, writing style wise
2) Write a short note on Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction