IASbaba’s TLP OPTIONAL – 2017 : History [20th July, 2017] – Day 9

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IASbaba’s TLP OPTIONAL – 2017 : History [20th July, 2017] – Day 9


Q.1)   Kailasa Temple built at Ellora marks the culmination of rock-cut architecture in India. Elucidate. [15m,300w ]

Q.2)   Bring out the regional variations in the early South Indian Temple’s architectural styles. [20m,400w ]

Q.3)   Assess the achievements of the Pallavas in administration and art. [25m,450 w]

Q.4)   Bring out the regional variations in the early South Indian Temple’s architectural styles. [20m,400w ]

Q.5)   Discuss the types of lands and the Science of agriculture mentioned in the literature and epigraphs of ancient India. [ 20m,400w ]

Q.6)   Examine the proficiency of the ancient Indians in various crafts, science and mathematics. [20m,400w ]






































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