Q1. Indian state virtually signed away its independence by signing Subsidiary alliance. Comment. In what way, the system helped British to expand territoriality?
Q2. Trace the development of British Land Revenue policy.
Q3. “East India company became ruler against its own will but when began, it provided immense services to Indians.” Do you agree? Give views.
Q4. Throw light on what is considered “ three revolutions” in Bengal in modern Indian context.
Q5. Clive built up the image of founder but he destroyed it by his own acts. Comment.
Q6. Treaty of bassein gave birth to future Anglo-Maratha conflicts. Comment.
Q7. “We have no right to siege Sindh. Yet, we shall do so and it would be very advantageous, useful and humane piece of rascality.” Comment.
Q8. “Neither Alexander the Great nor Napoleon could win the Empire of India by starting from Pondicherry as base and contending with power which hailed Bengal and command of sea.” Analyze.
Q9. Hyder Ali was borne to create an Empire but Tipu to lose it. Comment.
Q10. Commercialization of agriculture during British rule though not a new phenomenon yet, new. Analyze.