Synopsis and Review-Think and Learn [Day 8]

  • IAS baba
  • July 7, 2015
  • 10
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Synopsis and Review – Think and Learn [Day 8]


1) “After the World War 2, the strategy of the West towards Soviet block crystallised as a ‘Policy of Containment”. Critically analyse. (200 Words, 10 Marks)

Top Answer by Subhash Tadala

Ans) Post world war2, the western countries policies toward third world was guided by policy of containment of soviet block rather than appeasing them. The containment events are:

a)Truman Doctrine: This doctrine assured to provide political, military and economic assistance to all democratic nations under threat from external or internal authoritarian forces- implicitly against soviet influence.

b) Cuban Missile Crisis: This trail of suspicion made US to delink its relation with cuba for the last 5 decades, which was done to contain the soviet influence.

c)Arming Militants in Afghanistan: To bail-out the soviet intrusion in Afghanistan, the west deliberately armed the local militants to stop soviet expansion.

d) NATO- the military block formed not due to cooperation, rather due to suspicion and containing the soviet influence.

e)Vietnam and Korean Wars: The fear of socialism influence by Russia, made the western countries to deliberately interfere in these wars though their own interests were not at stake.

In all these cases, the main proponent is containing communism rather then appeasing the third world for friendship. The 21st century demands appeasement rather than containment.

2) The positive democratic consequences of having a highly energized pro-active citizenry far outweigh the negatives exhibited by the same. Comment. (200 Words, 10 Marks)

Top Answer by Aemmy

Ans) Democracy is a government of the people, for the people and by the people. Thus by its very definition, citizens (people) play major role in success and failure of democracy.

Positive consequences of pro-active citizenary

1. Control over representatives through elections.
2. Lesser role of fear and money power as people are concerned more for long term effects rather than short term gains.
3. People’s involvement in policy making through discussions, debates, public forum, media, social media, etc.
4. Rights awareness, improved transparency, less corruption and higher efficiency. 
5. Socio-economic Prosperity through better health and education and skill development.

Negative consequences of pro-active citizenary 

1. More debate and discussions cause delay and moreover all ideas cannot be accommodated in a policy all together. And a country requiring rapid progress cannot sustain this delay caused.
2. Government might only focus on few sections of society, needed enough to remain in power while ignoring minorities.
3. Strike and bandhs affect economy adversely and encourages ill-elements of society.

There can hardly be any country not having the cons and only pros of pro-active democracy, so what a country need is to strike a right balance. As a pro-active citizen one should also be aware of this fact to make democracy successful.

3) Discuss why the Indian Ocean is considered as critical to the future of the world and India, both economically and strategically. (200 Words, 10 Marks)

Top Answer by Coop

Ans) Indian Ocean is a region where 1/3rd of the world population in two dozen states along its rim. The global quest for energy security and rise of asian economies have made this region very important both economically:

1. India’s sizeable coastline and restricted land route options enables 70% trade through the Indian Ocean region. 2/5th of the world’s oil supply and critical trade ships pass through the region.

2. The sea itself is an economic resource- from fisheries to deep sea minerals to tourism that depends on tropical islands and coral providing enormous livelihood to littoral states.

Considering the region’s critical role in the global economy and abundance of mineral resources attracts many conflicts like India sri lanka on fisheries, this amplify the strategic importance of the region:

1. Economic value of the cargo has stimulated various forms of predatory behaviors (pirates) in region.

2. More than half of the world’s armed conflicts are located in the region- Indo Pak maritime conflict, Indo China competing rise, US intervention in Afghan Iraq, Iran nuclear agreement, Islamist terrorism, etc. As a result, all major world powers have deployed their military forces in the region.

Thus, the stability in this region is very critical for the world and India, considering its substantial dependence.

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