Think Learn & Perform (TLP) : Geography [Day 3]

  • IASbaba
  • September 2, 2015
  • 241
Geography Strategy, TLP Mains 2015
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Think Learn & Perform (TLP) : Geography [Day 3]




Must Refer to Geography Plan and Strategy- Click Here


  1. On the outline map of India provided to you, mark the location of all of the following. Write in your QCA Booklet the significance of the locations, whether physical/commercial/economic/ecological/environmental/cultural in not more than 30 words for each entry: (2 x 5 =10 marks)
  • Rajgir
  • Line of Actual Control (LAC)
  • Ten Degree Channel
  • Baltoro glacier
  • Gulf of Cambay


  1. Briefly explain the following terms in not more than 50 words each: (5 x 5 =25 marks)
  • Malthus’s grim forecast
  • Demographic dividend
  • Morbidity
  • Demographic transition theory
  • Population explosion and solid waste management


  1. Compare and contrast the population policies of India and China. Evaluate their suitability and effectiveness. (25 marks)


  1. Overpopulation in itself has little role in the problem of food insecurity. Critically comment. (25 marks)


  1. Establish the relation between overpopulation and the menace of drug resistance in India. (15 marks)



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