Think, Learn & Perform (TLP) – UPSC GS Mains [Day 48]

  • October 16, 2015
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Think and Learn-2015, TLP Mains 2015, UPSC, UPSC Mains- Think and Learn-2015


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Day 48 – TLP: Parliament, State Legislature, Judiciary and Related Issues

1. Does Indian constitution leaves space for institutional domination? Explain in the light of recent judgment by Supreme Court on the constitutionality of NJAC?

2. Differentiate between Judicial Review, Judicial Overreach and Judicial Activism. Give relevant example for each. Are they necessary evil in Indian democratic traditions?

3. Do you support the argument that India should move towards two-coalition system, if not two party system? Make a critical assessment of this proposal.

4. Secessionist tendencies in India are as old as the country itself. Discuss the various factors that fuel such tendencies and suggest measures to curb them.

5. ‘Helpful’ factors are found in abundance in all parts of the country for democratic decentralization, but most state governments are reluctant to provide ‘essential’ things for it. Discuss in Indian context.

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