Creative Guidance – Drowning in a Tear Drop of Fear – Inspirational & Educative Articles

  • IAS baba
  • November 8, 2015
  • 15
Creative Guidance-IASbaba, Inspirational & Educative Articles
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Drowning in a Tear Drop of Fear

We are pretty sure that India is the only country where people at home talk like this, ‘Hey don’t laugh too much you will cry soon’. ‘All your suffering is because of your past karma’; what is wrong with us, are we neurotic or something. What disease have we caught that makes happiness unbearable to them.

Before our patriotism blinds us completely, let’s just look around, we will see how sad, grim and worried we Indians are. We are the most worried people in the whole world. It has not been measured because only an Indian can invent such a machine and of course he is too worried to spend his time on anything else but worrying!

We have seen people talk about robbers, rapists and murderers so often that it almost seems like they meet them every day on their way to work. Let’s ask ourselves this simple question, how many years have we lived and how many personal one on one encounters we have had with such people; there are good chances that it will be none.

We surround ourselves all the while with that idiot machine called television whose only job is to search for the most exceptional cases of horror and re-glorify it in the name of safety, education and awareness.

If we just flip through the channels and observe a little carefully we will see. If we are obsessed with watching television then we also have to be obsessed with violence and pain, or else soon we will lose interest in what we are watching. Those who create these television programs know this.

Well, if the objective is to captivate our senses, what other better ways there are of doing it other than by using excess of violence and pain. Just a little bit of insensitivity to emotions and feelings of people go a long way in this game.

We live in a wonderful world, a paradise of beauty magic and wonder, where everything is almost perfectly set for our happiness. The early morning breeze, the chirping of birds, the wide expanse of sky and earth carpeted with soft cushion of grass and dew drops. What a stage for the play of life.

Well of course; this is not the view of the world we are most familiar with. If we surround ourselves with ideas of fear, death, disease and destruction all the time, how can we see anything beautiful?

We are what we surround ourselves with, isn’t it our responsibility to create a more sensitive environment for us and for our children’s future.

Let us see how many of you agree with us on this………

The articles are a copyright of The Ahamo Movement and IASBABA.”

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