Creative Guidance – Leadership : Strength of a Vision – Inspirational & Educative Articles

  • IAS baba
  • February 28, 2016
  • 12
Inspirational & Educative Articles
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Vision Leadership

Leadership – Strength of a Vision

The human journey has been more about following than about anything else. Every generation awaits an extraordinary visionary; a man of strength, purpose and direction who can be followed.

Leadership is the foundation of all human achievements. Most of what we have accomplished over the years would have been impossible without the necessary direction of visionary leaders.

Most think that leadership is a behavioral quality possessed by few rare individuals who have been gifted with it. In truth, leadership is not a quality but a necessity.

Ordinary individuals when they are driven by extraordinary vision and purpose, start exhibiting behavioral traits that can influence, inspire and lead which we collectively call Leadership.

By definition, we all are leaders. Whether we use and display our leadership qualities or not depends on the vision and purpose we are trying to achieve. A Leader is simply defined by what he is trying to accomplish.

It is almost impossible to develop leadership qualities without possessing a strong vision and a desire to accomplish something. The easiest and the simplest way to bring out the leader within you is by nurturing a vision; a vision that can become a life consuming purpose.

Einstein, Darwin, Gandhi, Galileo and Hawking are considered as great leaders not because of their genetic trait of leadership or because of their unique ability to lead. They are leaders because they were able to nurture visions of far greater impact and purpose.

Leadership is possible only through inspiration and influence; and how can you inspire when you yourself are not inspired by some grand vision. In fact, true leadership is simply an aftermath of destruction left behind by the force that is chasing a dream.

Leadership is always destructive. It is positively destructive in a way that it destroys the weak desires and dreams of the ordinary so that it gave give birth to the vision and purpose of the extraordinary. Leadership is a force; it cannot create if it cannot destroy.

As a leader, your vision and purpose should stand so tall that it should tower over all other petty desires and necessities. When you single mindedly move towards accomplishing your vision, you leave behind a path for others to follow.

In essence, leadership is an art of inspiring without inspiring; leading without leading. A leader is not someone who urges you to follow; he is someone who makes it impossible for you not to follow, for he sees a vision far grander than you.

The articles are a copyright of The Ahamo Movement and IASBABA.”

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