IASbaba ILP 2016 Phase 2 Plan: Notification

  • IASbaba
  • February 25, 2016
  • 54
IASbaba's Mains Strategy, Integrated Learning Program (ILP) - 2016
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Hello Friends

We are sure that the sincere followers of ILP and other non members (seeking queries) must be anticipating about the 2nd phase of the plan. We also know that there are many who for some reason or the other have not been able to take full advantage of the micro plan till now. This is human nature. We seek what we don’t have and blatantly ignore what we have at our immediate disposal, howsoever beneficial that may be.

Nevertheless, we are pleased to announce the 2nd phase of the ILP. This notification is in reference for them who were seeking clarifications on Phase 2 (Main preparation).

We will enhance our efforts and intensify the learning process in a manner that will keep all of you on your toes. The 2nd phase of ILP is meant to cover broad topics of the Mains syllabus. The idea is to give you fair acquaintance of the syllabus, develop broad understanding of the topics and help you apply your knowledge to answer descriptive questions.

Please understand that the CSE ultimately boils down to what you do in the Question cum Answer booklet provided in the CSE. Therefore, all your efforts must be channelized to ensure maximum output in the 27 crucial hours that you spend in the examination hall. You might be an intellectual having high analytical skills and wider perspective of issues around you but if you are unable to reflect your talent on the paper, all your knowledge and intellect are of no use. We understand this aspect of UPSC very well and that is why our prime focus in phase II will be twofold:

Minimize your efforts by creating a strategy that integrate various components of the syllabus with the help of mind maps and other explanatory tools.

Focus more and more on answer writing skills in order to make you capable of answering any question that can be framed by UPSC.

Having said this, you must appreciate the importance of this initiative and accept it by heart that it is going to benefit you. While we assure you of the fact that sincere and consistent followers would definitely reap dividends of this strategy, we also caution you that half-halfhearted and inhibitive participation would only enhance your troubles.

We take this opportunity to illustrate the importance of this strategy. Let us show you how exactly we are going to proceed with this strategy. Just like our micro plans, you will be provided with the detailed block wise plan to execute.

Now, we have designed the plan in a manner that it will reduce your efforts greatly. Suppose, in the schedule of any particular block, the plan mentions bilateral relations with the neighbors.

Now in our plan, it is expected from you to learn

  • Issues of internal security that have direct or indirect association with our neighbors.
  • For example, in dealing with Indo-Pak relations, you will be directed to study role of external state and non-state actors in internal security challenges.
  • This way, you will not only be saved from going through similar issues again at different times but also your perspectives on the issues will widen substantially.

In the same plan, you have to dig more through relevant current affairs links that are associated with the issues being covered in the plan. In this way, you should be able to appreciate the interconnectedness of the syllabus with current affairs and develop the confidence to apply similar strategy for other issues. We will do the same in our Value Add 🙂 

In continuation, we will provide you with questions at three broad levels i.e. basic questions to test your fundamentals related to the topic, applied questions to test your analytical skills and HOT (High order Thinking) questions to take your preparation a notch or two above average candidates. Please keep in mind that HOT questions are already being posted on our website. Once you enter phase II, our focus will sharpen and your efforts will need to rise. We take the following example to illustrate this strategy.

Suppose, you have been directed to study secularism. You will of course be provided with the list of sources and IASbaba’s Value Add notes for the same. After you are through with the content of these sources, you should prepare/pose questions to yourself in the following fashion:

Basic: What do you understand by the term ‘secularism’? From where did the concept originate? What are its variants? Discuss.

Applied: Indian brand of secularism is very different from its western counterparts. Do you agree? Critically examine.

HOT: The Indian notion of secularism never prohibits the interference of the State into religious matters. Rather, at several occasions, it promotes it. However, the cardinal principle of Indian brand of secularism prescribes that in no scenario, the State can play a partisan role. Elucidate.

Of course, it is too much to expect from you to straightaway start answering all these questions. However, it will give you a fair deal of idea about the dimensions of the issues being dealt and also the range of questions being asked. Our aim is to equip you in a manner that you should be able to think of as many dimensions as possible and express it in the paper.

CSE is all about your ability to expand and contract, meaning, your ability to put in nutshell the vast amount of information in 200 words and at the same time expand even the micro dimensions of an issue to produce a respectable answer for the examiner.

Our strategy is tailor made for this. We expect you to take full advantage of the 2nd phase of ILP. Those, who have been irregular and inconsistent in their efforts, are expected to regain their lost momentum and consider phase II as a fresh beginning. Believe us when we say that an honest effort for a week can give you enough confidence and momentum to pursue your plans for the rest of your journey.

We have three months (March to May 2016) for the preparation of portions of Main Examination. Practically it is an evolutionary process so time bound preparation is useless to say least 🙂

In this Phase, basis is to let you cover and understand the core of Main Syllabus as given by UPSC. None can cover everything concretely within 3 months but we feel everyone should be familiar with Main portion way before Prelims. This will disburden you right after Prelims and you can focus more on answer writing and revision.

Our funda towards Main will not be to cover books in length and breadth since Main (especially paper 2, 3 and 4 is more of dynamic nature- even second part of paper 1)

Since Economy Survey and Budget is yet to be released and will have enough of quality coverage in the month of March. We will use them to write more quality and comprehensive coverage.

  • Whole plan is divided into 6 Blocks, each block (15 days)
  • Make sure to focus on contemporary dimensions of all the topics
  • After completion of every block, a Mock Test will be given. You have to solve it in real time to assess your preparation.
  • A synopsis will be provided for each mock
  • Each mock will have 1-2 Essay Topic too for practice.
  • Value Add will be given one day before the Block starts.
  • For S&T and Environment– Do not worry. We will be covering all contemporary issues for you 🙂
  • For Ethics– We will be giving enough case studies and questions with synopsis for practice.


A sample of first Block for your reference- Click here

  • You can join Program 2 of ILP, even now provided you pledge to work hard to finish phase 1 (prelims) in parallel. Phase 2, starting from March 2nd. 
  • This is not difficult since one has to cover almost same sources and books for Prelims also.
  • We pledge to provide qualitative content and guidance to ease your burden.
  • To know more about ILP- 2, read here- click 


Our commitment is reflected through smart work & your success and we are only a guiding light to bend your hard work into smart work!

All the very best



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