Creative Guidance – Being You – Inspirational & Educative Articles

  • IAS baba
  • June 27, 2016
  • 14
Inspirational & Educative Articles
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Being You

In a world that is constantly changing, where everything around is becoming standardized and structured, where the best expectation from a person is to fit into the system that is already been laid out by others; Being you is the most difficult of things to do.

It is so easy to be lost in the ebb and flow of life and forget all about yourself. You are not just a mechanical body; you have a spirit that longs for something more than what the world can ever offer. You have a purpose and finding it is probably the most important mission of your life.

Your true purpose and calling goes beyond all social, economic and environmental conditionings; it goes beyond what others want from you; it goes beyond pleasing and satisfying people around you; it goes beyond the daily routine of work and living.

What you are meant to be; the space where you are the best possible you, is already a reality within you, just waiting to be realized. You already know what makes you happy, what gives you immense joy, what puts you in a state of creativity and celebration; you only have to muster enough courage to move beyond your environmental conditionings to see this beautiful side of you.

You are a visitor to this space and time; just like all other magnificent things of existence, you are an expression of life. There is no respite till you find your true calling and dedicate your soul and spirit to the cause of fulfilling that purpose. You are meant to be something and there is no escaping that.

The quest for knowing yourself begins first by being absolutely honest with yourself. More importantly you have to separate the needs of your body from the needs of your spirit. Everything you do in the world to earn a living, to gain respect from people, to work towards creating a safe and secure environment for yourself, are all the needs of your body.

Needs of your spirit are not linear and logical. It is not a process of going from A to B. The calling of your spirit comes in sudden bursts of excitement and insight; it comes when you are least expecting it. Suddenly there is an impulse to be something, to do something; your whole being longs to be in that zone. If you are absolutely honest with yourself, you can very clearly identify those moments as your true calling.

Pursue your worldly goals, for that is how people identify you; but also pursue your true calling, for that is the only way you can identify yourself. At the end of the arduous journey of life the only thing that matters is whether you have identified yourself; the only thing worth knowing is who you are. Find your true calling, and then life becomes a pure celebration.

“The articles are a copyright of The Ahamo Movement and IASBABA.”

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