• IASbaba
  • August 15, 2016
  • 385
IASbaba's Hot Questions, IASbaba's Think Learn Perform 2016, IASbaba's TLP - 2016, Mains Examination
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Think, Learn and Perform-2016 (Online)


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We hope you free yourself from the vicious cycle of UPSC like the way INDIA freed itself from British 😛 


“Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice” 


Last year, immediately after prelims, we had come out with our Think, Learn and Perform (TLP) initiative for CSM, 2015. Everyday, we used to post few questions from the GS syllabus and asked the users to post the answers on the website. We reviewed their answers and gave immediate feedback. Then came CSM, 2015 and about 80% questions were from TLP, 2015. There were many who performed regularly in our TLP programme and eventually secured very got good ranks in CSE, 2015.

The response to our 2015 TLP scheme was overwhelming, the hit ratio almost 80% and final results excellent. But all of this could be possible only because of the sustained efforts of IASbaba and it’s followers. Regularity and perseverance played the key roles in the success of TLP, 2015. The following article that we posted after CSM, 2015 bear testimony to the success of our TLP programme.

This is no hidden secret that the key to success in CSM is writing, writing and writing. 

You might be a wonderful aspirant, well read and fully informed but without writing practice, it is very difficult to translate your knowledge into success.

Even Shakespeare had to write down his classics before they got widespread appreciation. The only proof of your hard work or the lack of it will be reflected in the answer booklet. You have got that one chance to prove your suitability for CSE. Before the beginning of CSM, you are supposed to have mastered the art of writing effective and impressive answers.

Now, since the euphoria of cutoff prediction has come down, we are happy to announce the second edition of our flagship TLP programme for CSM, 2016. This time, however, it is going to be even better planned, even better executed and even more in sync with the demands of UPSC.



Features of TLP, 2016 (Online):



A weekly Study Plan:



In total, you have 15 weeks to prepare for CSM. For most of you, it will become very difficult to decide regarding the allocation of time for each subject/ topic/ sub-topic.

Moreover, it also becomes quite difficult to keep track of your progress in terms of coverage of the syllabus. However, we are going to provide you with a rough weekly study plan. TLP 2016 will be in sync with this plan as questions posted on IASbaba will be from the topics covered in the corresponding week only.

Feedback from IASbaba and Peer Review Structure


Our experts will review your answers and give their feedback regularly. The feedback will try to bring out the positives in your answers, point out the drawbacks and give tips to improve your answers.

Peer Review:  Providing feedback to everyone when hundreds of aspirants participate in answer writing is a difficult task to manage. Hence we request you to make a peer group of like minded individuals and commit to each other to review and keep a tab on you. Get in touch with one such aspirant from the comment section or other way. 


Synopsis and Best Answers:

We will provide a brief synopsis to all the questions along with few best answers chosen from among the users.


Prizes and Encouragement:


On a biweekly basis, we will select the top 3 performers, put their names on the website and send them books as acknowledgment of their hard work and dedication. They will also get a chance to interact one on one with serving IAS, IPS and IRS officers. Needless to say that the interaction will only be telephonic 🙂


Structure of TLP Online:



Daily 5 questions will be posted:


3 from static and 2 from current affairs or vice versa depending on topic of the day. We will keep posting topics for essay on every Saturday. And every fortnight there will be a Mini Mock for your practice.

Important- Kindly note, there will be no feedback and synopsis for Mini Mocks and Full Mocks at the end. They will be for your practice only.



Review parameters:


This time we will give you scores on the basis of certain parameters. This is to ensure that you keep track of your performance in a quantifiable manner. The parameters are:

S. No. Parameter Score (On a scale of 1 to 10)
1 Introduction
2 Knowledge
3 Brevity
4 Presentation
5 Conclusion
Total= Avg. of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

The average of the scores on each parameter will be your total score.



Review Frequency:


Owing to limitation of resources, it won’t be possible to give feedback to all the answers. However, we will try to review each user’s answers at least thrice a month. Moreover, there is much more to get from peer review.

One full length mock test:


At the end of the programme, one full length mock test for Essay and all the GS papers will be conducted.



This is how you can make full use use of TLP, 2016


  • Follow the study plan religiously. Give your heart to the programme.
  • Write your answers regularly, without fail.
  • Pay attention to the feedback by IASbaba experts and keep improving the areas pointed out by them.
  • Review the answers written by your peers and encourage others to review yours.
  • Consolidate your learning by going through the synopsis provided by IASbaba and also the best answers.
  • It will pay you back handsomely if you could prepare topic-wise short notes of TLP, 2016 and revise them regularly.
  • Be a competitor of yourself. Don’t compare your performance with that of others. Set a benchmark for yourself and keep improving your answers and score.








Kindly note: We will have daily questions from Current Affairs, covering topics from Paper 1, 2 and 3. So, the plan covering lot of static topics in the initial weeks won’t be boring. Also UPSC picks many important issues for Paper 2 and 3 from later months and considering this we are covering them in the later part of the plan. 




Date Day Paper Topic


22nd August


1 GS 1 History of the world will include events from 18th century such as industrial revolution, world wars, redrawal of national boundaries, colonization, decolonization, political philosophies like communism, capitalism, socialism etc. – their forms and effect on the society. ( Part-1 Events before WW-1)


23rd August


2 GS 1 History of the world will include events from 18th century such as industrial revolution, world wars, redrawal of national boundaries, colonization, decolonization, political philosophies like communism,
capitalism, socialism etc. – their forms and effect on the society. ( Part 2 Events after WW-1)


24th August


3 GS 1 Salient features of world’s physical geography.( Part 1- Geomorphology, Oceanography)


25th August


4 GS 1 Salient features of world’s physical geography.( Part-2 Climatology, Natural Vegetation and soils)


26th August


5 GS 4 Ethics and Human Interface: Essence, determinants and consequences of
Ethics in human actions; dimensions of ethics; ethics in private and
public relationships. Human Values – lessons from the lives and
teachings of great leaders, reformers and administrators; role of
family, society and educational institutions in inculcating values.


27th August




Essay Gandhian Thoughts & Sustainable Development
28th August


Sunday  Holiday
29th August


6 GS 1 Modern Indian history from about the middle of the eighteenth century
until the present significant events, personalities, issues.


30th August


7 GS 1

The Freedom Struggle – its various stages and important contributors or contributions from different parts of the country.( Part-1 Mass Movements and related events)


31st August


8 GS 1

The Freedom Struggle – its various stages and important contributors or contributions from different parts of the country.( Part-2 Revolutionist Activities, Indian national Army and other revolts)


1st September


9 GS 1

Distribution of key natural resources across the world (including South Asia and the Indian subcontinent); factors responsible for the location of primary, secondary, and tertiary sector industries in various parts of the world (including India).


2nd September




GS 4

Attitude: content, structure, function; its influence and relation with
thought and behaviour; moral and political attitudes; social influence
and persuasion.


3rd September




Mini Mock

Previous Topics

4th September Sunday Holiday

Very Important::


  • Every Friday- Ethics questions will be posted
  • Every SaturdayEssay Topics
  • Every Fortnight (Sunday)Mini Mock based on topics covered in past weeks for Revision
  • Detailed Weekly Plan will be given in advance



P.S: Your valuable comments and feedback are icing on our hard work 🙂 


Thanks and All the Best

IASbaba team

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