VERY IMPORTANT UPDATE on ILP 2018, All India Prelims Test Series on the Lines of 60 Days Plan, CSAT and Surprise for HINDI Medium Aspirants-Are You Ready to Crack UPSC in One Year With Us, freshers or Veterans?

  • IASbaba
  • June 24, 2017
  • 265
IASbaba's All India Prelims Test Series 2018, ILP-2018
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Hello Friends,

You can crack UPSC in the very first attempt! Yes and that too without staying in Delhi . This was the dream of IASbaba!

Saumya Pandey (Rank 4) and Dinesh (Rank 6) in Top 10 CSE 2016 have achieved it along with countless others in the Final List from ILP Programme and you can be one too!

Rank 6- Dinesh 

Rank 4- Saumya Pandey 

We have been getting numerous emails daily enquiring about the Test Series for Prelims and details about ILP programme 2018, asking about when we are going to start it?

Since Prelims is over, aspirants must be very much in need to know the details and follow ups.

This post is the confirmation about all the queries and a glimpse of what our future ILP-2018 will be like, new programmes and what to expect in few days when we launch it.

If you restrict yourself to one source and stick to a plan with full effort and trust- You will clear it in a single attempt and won’t have to repeat the process.

Yes, this we say with full confidence for our ILP program. Because it is a pedagogic program which is integrated and holistic in nature.


  • The enrollment for  ILP will start from 26th June, 2017

Coming to the question of what does ILP contain.

Most of you are already familiar. Yet we are putting out the unique features of the unique program


  • A daily based Plan.
  •  A unique change that ILP will be having this time the planning will be based on Topic Wise learning rather than Book wise along with sources to follow.
  •  You will be given access to separate platform where you can interact among peers and discuss issues .This is a separate universe in itself.
  • Plan will contain things to prepare for Prelims and Mains (GS 1, GS 2, GS3, GS4). We will cover all overlapping topics on prelims and mains well before Prelims exam and most of the mains topics also.
  •  Precise Value Add Notes will be given for relevant topics-Both Prelims and Mains (GS 1, GS 2, GS3, GS4).
  • Babapedia for Current Affairs– This time Babapedia will also have special issues, topic wise for Mains other than prelims.
  • Importance of Babapedia– Collate the daily read in just 4-5 pages (max 40 points) from The Hindu, PIB and Indian Express for Prelims.
  • There will be Weekly Prelims Tests based on the plan and revision tests as well once a significant portion of a subject is completed.
  • Mains Mock and Synopsis– Every fortnight, you will be given Mains Questions to practice based on topics completed in the plan. You can write answers and share on platform, participate in peer reviews and then match it to improve the content and presentation from the synopsis we provide.


ILP 2017 and Babapedia’s Importance– You can cross check with any of our ILP users about its worth in 2017 Prelims examination. On several requests from our ILP users, we will be sharing the screenshots of all the direct hits (not mere keywords without any context from the content covered) in Prelims 2017 from ILP-2017 with the launch of ILP-2018 Full Plan details. 

You aspirants are the smartest and can clearly see through. This exam requires smart learning and perspective building. And our programme provides you the same ingredients without breaking your heads. It allows you to focus, be on toes and revise more and more. Faith and trust is equally important when you are following something with heart. Believe in your decision. To build it, we will be providing you the glimpse with the launch.

Another big surprise from IASbaba this time is that we are launching a separate

ALL INDIA PRELIMS TEST SERIES 2018 on the lines of Quality of 60 Days- Hindi and English Both


There has been severe demands to start Prelims Only Test Series on the lines of quality of 60 Day Plan from aspirants usually non-fresher. So here we are with new Programme for the same.


  • Full Length Test- A total of 30 Tests of GS, Paper I
  • Topic Wise Syllabus for each Test not book wise with detailed sources to follow
  • This test series should be  more than enough to crack Prelims comfortably if you are not a fresher.
  • Surprise- We are going to introduce a very innovative method this time. Sample will be disclosed with the launch in few days.

CSAT- PAPER II of Prelims Examination

We are planning to introduce CSAT Test Series this year. Though CSAT is a qualifying examination but many are finding it difficult to qualify due to lack of practice. We intend to provide sufficient qualitative tests to prepare you well enough to qualify it. It will be included in the test series.There will be at least 10 CSAT tests.

CSAT tests will be part of All India Prelims Test Series.

Ending Note

We hope this post would put an end to the plethora of mails we have been receiving on ILP -2018 and Test Series for Prelims.

Wait for 26 June to get Full Plan with Samples and subscribe to our ILP and Prelims Test Series!

Let The Countdown Begins 🙂 

Motivation is What Gets You Started and Commitment is What Keeps You Going

At IASbaba, you won’t have to worry about both because we connect with each one of you by heart 🙂 

Comment below if you are committed. Let’s Do it Together!

P.S- TLP Mains ONLINE- Coming Tomorrow 🙂 


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