IASbaba’s TLP OPTIONAL – 2017 : Medical Science [26th July, 2017] – Day 15

  • July 26, 2017
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Medical Science
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IASbaba’s TLP OPTIONAL – 2017 : Medical Science [26th July, 2017] – Day 15


Q.1 There is a precise molecular mechanism for initiating and terminating the synthesis of a polypeptide on ribosome. Explain in your own terms what happens if the termination has failed?

Q.2 In 1977, Rosalyn Yalow was awarded the noble prize in medicine for innovating an important technique which was considered a breakthrough in endocrinology. What is this technique? Describe briefly, the principle behind this technique.

Q.3 What is Henderson hasselbach equation. How is the acid base balance maintained in the body?

Q.4 Describe the control and regulation of normal homeostasis.

Q.5 Enumerate with suitable examples vitamin coenzymes involved in oxidation reduction reactions. Describe at least three vitamins

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