IASbaba’s TLP OPTIONAL – 2017 : Political Science & IR [24th July, 2017] – Day 12

Political Science and International Relations
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IASbaba’s TLP OPTIONAL – 2017 : Political Science & IR [24th July, 2017] – Day 12


1. Nationalist struggle against Colonialism has profound impact on the evolution of Peasant and Worker class movement as well. Discuss their evolution with emphasis on response of Congress leadership towards these movements.

2. Discuss the impact that the Champaran, Kheda and Ahmedabad movements had on Indian freedom struggle.

3. “Indian nationalism was different but derivative discourse of European nationalism”- Partha Chatterjee. Critically evaluate the statement.

4. Should the revolutionary/militant movements during the Indian freedom struggle be considered a failure? Explain your stand.

5. Critically examine the reasons behind Surat split of INC and its consequences on Indian National Movement?

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