IASbaba’s TLP OPTIONAL – 2017 : Zoology [5th Sep, 2017] – Day 33

  • September 5, 2017
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IASbaba’s TLP OPTIONAL – 2017 : Zoology [5th Sep, 2017] – Day 33


Q.1 Write short notes on the followings(Not more than 200 words)

a.) Ribozymes

b.) Zinc Finger motifs

c.) Gene attenuation

d.) RFLP

Q.2) Explain the principal of DNA fingerprinting. What are the various enzymes used in the process.

Q.3) Compare the RAPD and AFLP which one preferred to determine presence of protein and why?

Q.4) What is HGP? What are tha goals of this project? Are they achieved?

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