IASbaba’s Current Affairs Focus (CAF) Mains 2017: Day 7

  • IASbaba
  • October 11, 2017
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IASbaba’s Current Affairs Focus (CAF) Mains 2017: Day 7


1. Why should Urban Local Bodies have financial independence? Discuss. In this light, examine the features, significance and challenges of municipal bonds.

2. Aadhaar is considered to be a tool of distributive justice and equality. What is your opinion in this regard? There have been certain disputes and controversies with respect to Aadhaar. Why? Examine.

3. Concerns regarding increasing politics in educational institutions in India have surfaced. Examine the issue and discuss the recommendations made by T.S.R. Subramanian committee in this regard.

4. The criminal justice system in India is in dire need of reforms. Do you agree? Give a holistic assessment.

5. The RTI in its current form and shape requires certain changes to make it more effective. Do you agree? Substantiate.

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