IASbaba’s Think, Rethink and Perform (TRP)-Interview Discussion [Day 9]

  • IASbaba
  • December 14, 2017
  • 2
Interview Discussion-Think Rethink & Perform (TRP)
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Interview Discussion: Think, Rethink and Perform; (TRP)- Day 9



Set 1: Ask these questions to yourself; contemplate and come out with a concrete answer (not to be discussed on this forum). Invest at least 30 minutes on this set of questions.

  • Given a chance to change one thing in your surroundings, what will you change?
  • What inspires your inclination to change something?
  • Do you need to change something about yourself too? What would that be? Think about it.

Set 2: Analyse the following issue:

Election season is on and so are the rhetorics. Isn’t it? A comparison of the ongoing elections with the ones held two decades ago, tells us that not much has changed. Issues remain the same and so do campaigns. Religion, caste, nepotism, dynastic politics etc haven’t been replaced by talent, issues of substance or questions on development. Is this the failure of democracy? Or are we still evolving as a democracy? Who is to be blamed for the unwanted legacy- politicians or citizens? Why can’t we rise above the petty issues that have plagued the democratic discourse for so long? Contemplate.

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