Motivational Articles

Hello Friends,
Imagine if J.K. Rowling had focused more on becoming more orderly, and not on her storytelling abilities. Would she ever be able to write Harry Potter?
Imagine if Mahatma Gandhi would have concentrated in just eradicating the violence. Would he be successful in imparting the importance of peace to millions across the world?
This leads us to an important observation – if you want to excel at anything, it’s not enough to fix your weaknesses. You also need to identify your strengths and leverage them. This will stop you from seeing yourself through rose-coloured glasses of just success or failure.
Many a time, we end up comparing ourselves with others around us, and this leads us to feel superior or inferior, based on their strengths and their weaknesses. What we forget is that each individual is different and functions differently from the rest. Therefore, it actually makes no sense to base our decision on someone else’s capabilities and weaknesses. What can be life-changing for you is getting to know yourself and your own capabilities!
“When we do things we’re already good at, our business acumen is quicker,” says Todd Kashdan, a psychology professor at George Mason University and author of Curious? (William Morrow, 2009).
“When it comes to the best way to leverage your ability, it’s (best) to go through your strengths.” he says.
Now, how would this observation help you in your UPSC CSE preparation?
Saves your time: Understanding what you are good at will not only help you save time on going through the same information again and again but also gives you the confidence that you will be able to perform well. You can just make small notes to revise in points and you are good to go.
Allow you to work on subjects in which you need to put more efforts: These subjects are not your weaknesses, but subjects which require extra attention and labour. Now that you are playing to your strengths, you will also be getting more time to give these subjects the attention they deserve. And you never know – how the same subjects that have caused you trouble can end up becoming your saviours.
A great boost to your self-confidence: Finding out your strengths, no matter how important or trivial they are, can change your attitude. When we feel confident, we can achieve better understanding, better marks, better rank and a better perspective.
You will become a happier person: Deep inside, if you know your strengths and if you learn how to play it in your favour, you will be a very very happy person. This is the most important aim, isn’t it? To achieve your goal is to be happy – and achieving your goal happily is something that is magical, a gift to oneself
So, now, if I ask you, what are your strengths, and will you play with them – what will your answer be?
Time to step into your strengths. Time to step into your greatness.
Your friend, philosopher and guide