Creative Guidance – Finding the right teacher – Inspirational Educative Articles

  • IAS baba
  • September 8, 2019
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Creative Guidance-IASbaba, Inspirational & Educative Articles
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Finding the right teacher:

There is a lot of difference between finding a real teacher and finding any other teacher. It is a lot easier to identify a teacher just based on certain qualifications, but it is a lot more difficult to find a teacher who you can judge as competent.

For all of the other teachers there is a qualification, there is a way to identify a teacher. If you want a math, physics, or a music teacher, there are very clear qualifications; there are degrees. There are documents that say that he or she is a teacher, so you can find teachers just based on credentials.

Even if there aren’t any credentials, there is a way to identify the skill. You can look at the dancer and say, “I love the way he dances. I love the way she dances, and I want to learn from her. There’s no way you’re going to learn music from a person who does not know how to play the musical instrument, right? When you interact with the teacher you would immediately get that sense, “Okay, this person knows music; he knows what he is talking about.

None of this exists for the real teacher who can transform your life–absolutely none of this. Anyone can claim, anyone can say, “I know what I am talking about. I know my subject well. I know the method, I know how to teach it, and I’m willing to teach.” Especially in today’s day and age, there are a lot more people willing to teach, than there are people willing to learn.

With the available social media platforms–YouTube and Facebook, it’s so easy to become a teacher. Just gather a group of students and start teaching. The problem with all this is, how do you know if you have found the right teacher? Or should you even be looking for the right teacher? Is there a right teacher?

The answer is an obvious yes. There are teachers with whom you can have a personal connect and learn tremendously. Just because a lot of things have moved online, it doesn’t mean that you should settle for anything less than the best. Even in the online space, competence and personal connect is extremely important. The single biggest yardstick of judging a teacher should be competence and not qualification.

Yes, qualification plays an important part. But there is an ocean of difference between possessing the qualification to teach and knowing how to teach. Teaching is an art which takes totally different skill sets. It is a lot easier to judge a teacher based on the qualification alone but the trick in finding the right teacher is to judge based on competence. The difference appears to be small, but this small difference can make all the difference in your life.

“This article is a part of the creative endeavor of Meditation Farm and IASBABA.”

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