Digital Communications Commission (DCC): Approves auction of Spectrum

  • IASbaba
  • December 22, 2019
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Digital Communications Commission (DCC): Approves auction of Spectrum

Part of: GS Prelims and GS-III- Infrastructure

In News

  • The Digital Communications Commission (DCC) approved plans to auction over 8,300 MHz of spectrum, including airwaves to be used for offering 5G services, with a reserve price of ₹5.22 lakh crore.
  • Challenges for the auction are:
    • Spectrum reserve prices 4 to 6 times higher than that of similar spectrum sold recently in several countries 
    • With high levels of debt and prevailing financial stress in the sector, telecom service providers will find it difficult to raise funds to participate in the auctions
    • The quantum of spectrum in the 5G band being put up for auction will be only 175 MHz, ‘woefully inadequate’ for operators to roll out robust 5G networks and services

About Digital Communications Commission

  • The Government of India, vide executive resolution has re-designated the Telecom Commission (set up in 1989 by executive order) as the ‘Digital Communications Commission’.
  • The DCC consists of a Chairman, four full time members and four part time members. The Secretary to the Government of India in the Department of Telecommunications is the ex-officio Chairman of the DCC.
  • The DCC is responsible for:
    • Formulating the policy of Department of Telecommunications for approval of the Government;
    • Preparing the budget for the Department of Telecommunications for each financial year and getting it approved by the Government; &
    • Implementation of Government’s policy in all matters concerning telecommunication. 

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