UPSC Articles
33 Turkish soldiers killed in Syria strikes
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-II- International Affairs
In news:
- Syrian Civil War: Syrian government forces, backed by Russian air power, have launched an assault to capture the northwest Syria, the last remaining territory held by Syrian rebels backed by Turkey
- As a result, UN Security Council called an emergency meeting to avert open conflict between Russia and NATO member Turkey
Prelims Value Addition
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is a military alliance established by the Washington Treaty of April 4, 1949, by US, Canada, and several Western European nations to provide collective security against then USSR
- A key provision of the treaty, the so-called Article 5, states that if one member of the alliance is attacked then it is to be considered an attack on all members.
- NATO effectively put Western Europe under the “nuclear umbrella” of the US.
- As of 2019, there are 29 member states, with Montenegro becoming the latest member to join the alliance in 2017

Daily Current Affairs IAS | UPSC Prelims and Mains Exam – 29th February 2020