India can take the lead in reshaping global order

  • IASbaba
  • May 4, 2020
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Topic: General Studies 2:

  • Effect of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on India
  • Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors 
  • Indian Economy and challenges with regard to resource mobilization

India can take the lead in reshaping global order

Context: At a time when the UNSC, G20, G7 and the EU were not active, India stood out with its initiatives to develop a joint response Ex. SAARC fund to tackle COVID-19

The rapid spread of coronavirus around the world has created fresh opportunities for creating a new global compact. India can offer its leadership in this endeavour.

How can India reshape the world?

  1. Indian can help build Multilateral Cooperation
    • India enjoys good relations with multiple powers and is well-regarded across the world. 
    • India can share ideas and resources to develop an international mechanism for monitoring, verification, early warning and cooperation among countries, including in vaccine development
  2. Indian can make efforts to strengthen the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)
    • In light of COVID-19, there is a need for greater scrutiny of wet(animal) markets in China, south-east Asia, and many other countries around the world.
    • There is also a need to eradicate animal farms that breed and trade exotic species.
    • Such wet markets and breeding centres increases the potential for zoonotic transmission of unknown, deadly viruses and hence a need for greater monitoring.
    • Efforts need to be made to pass and enforce legislation to control the domestic consumption of wild animals, which also contributes to environmental conservation
  3. Promotion of Yoga
    • The ancient Indian practice of yoga is known to boost immunity levels through the cultivation of a healthy mind and body.
    • This is the time to further reinforce the worldwide practice of yoga
  4. Potential to emerge as pharmacy to the world
    • India’s readiness to ship the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine to fight COVID-19 is in consonance with the ethos of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam
    • India’s strength in generic medicines can be leveraged to establish it as Pharmacy of the world
    • This provides an opportunity to promote ayurveda, which complements yoga.
  5. India can strengthen Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) of 1975
    • It is a disarmament treaty that does not prohibit the retention and use of biological agents, including coronaviruses, for preventive purposes which encompass medical research for diagnosis and immunisation
    • It has no verification protocol to deal with any suspected use of biological agents. 
    • Indeed, the UNSC can investigate complaints in this regard, but the veto power enjoyed by the permanent members, including China, renders it powerless
    • In the BWC Conference in 2021, India could engage in consultations with other middle powers to evolve a regime that can provide better oversight.
  6. India must push for multi-stakeholder model of internet governance
    • Post COVID-19, there will be even greater reliance on artificial intelligence (AI), surveillance technologies, online platforms and big data. 
    • Hence, there is a need for better governance models


Despite hardships, India can, and must, take the lead in bringing the world together to practice a new multilateralism that places the common interests of humanity above narrow national interests.

Connecting the dots:

  • Impact on COVID-19 on G-7 and G-20
  • Will there be a change in India’s foreign policy in post-COVID world?

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