MOTIVATION: The ABCD of Self Management During Crisis and Uncertainty

  • IASbaba
  • May 7, 2020
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Motivational Articles
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Dear Friends,

Crisis is perceived differently by different people. For the majority, crisis brings frustration and despondency. For others, it brings an opportunity to prepare for the future. How one perceives a crisis also depends on the way it hits that person. For the onlookers unaffected by the crisis, it might create opportunities to relax and procrastinate. For the ones who are directly or indirectly trapped in the chaos, there is a sense of urgency to get out of the crisis. They must prioritise their goals and aspirations in the broader context of the crisis.

For example, a medical practitioner might be planning to go abroad for higher education but is compelled to stay back and take care of COVID-19 patients. Maybe, she has to wait for another year to even think about her dream of pursuing higher studies in the school of her dreams. But dreams can only get deferred, not vanished

Its absolutely fine to hide your dreams for the time being but it is criminal to stop dreaming. Today, we are all faced by a crisis that threatens to put an end or at least inordinately linger the realisation of our dreams. Should you stop dreaming then? Never. If your dream is close to your heart, even the major setbacks that go beyond your control can’t dissuade you from pursuing your dreams

Then what is the best way to manage yourself during the crisis? Well the answer lies in the ABCD of self management during crisis and uncertainty

The ‘A’ stands for ADVANCEMENT the advancement of skills and knowledge. While you are locked down during the current crisis, you have one precious thing at your disposal that you don’t get in abundance- TIME. Utilise this time to learn new concepts. You can also improve your skills and explore certain fields that were always close to heart but you didn’t have the time to pursue them earlier. An investment in knowledge and skills today will give you smart dividends tomorrow. As UPSC aspirant, you can think of reading books, improving your verbal communication, pursuing your indoor hobby, creative writing for improving answer writing skills and so on. 

The ‘B’ stands for BUILDING building Relationships. Invest in the hitherto ignored connections that you have with your family and friends. Call your mother and tell her how much you love her. Talk to your siblings and remind them of the wonderful childhood that you spent together. Send a text to your old school buddy and tell her how much you miss the fun days at school. Forge the network that you always wanted to have with your college friends and co-workers. The more you build these relationships, the less likely are the chances of you feeling isolated and alone. 

The ‘C’ stands for COMPASSION compassion towards your fellow beings. Don’t get so engrossed in self development that you forget the millions for whom the crisis has brought unmanageable challenges. It doesn’t mean that you should start thinking about the millions out there. Rather a simple act of compassion for even a single human being would be enough. Calling your housemaid, asking about her well being and assuring her that you won’t cut her salary in the upcoming months is no less an act of kindness and compassion. It will give you immense satisfaction. 

The ‘D’ stands for DRIVE- drive for steering through the crisis. It is all about managing the ups and downs of that the crisis might throw at you. There will be occasions when you feel disillusioned about your career and future. You must develop the emotional intelligence to keep steering your life towards the ultimate goal. The drive to get what you have cherished since long will give you the courage to face the occasional mood swings you might have. This drive can only come if you ask yourself a simple question- why did you start what you started? If the answer to this question thrills you even during a crisis, there is no option to stop and procrastinate. Just keep going!!

With these words, we would like to stop here and give you a reason to follow the ABCD of self-management during this crisis. There are thousands of civil servants working day and night on the ground. They are saving lives, feeding people, managing administration, controlling crowds, arranging supplies for doctors and nurses, helping construct hospitals and whatnot. Now, just imagine the kind of feeling that they must be having when they lay down to take a nap. In the exhaustion and excursion of public duty, there is a satisfaction that can’t be explained in words. To attain this satisfaction, you must attain personal advancements, invest in building relationships, show compassion and have the drive to overcome the crisis.  

Also, if you want to help in our social cause, at the time of this crisis, READ the below post –



Happy Guru Purnima

IASbaba Team


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