UPSC Articles
New framework for implementation of the SVAMITVA Scheme
Part of: GS Prelims And GS-II – Policies and interventions
In news
- Union Minister for Panchayati Raj released the new framework for implementation of the SVAMITVA Scheme to mark the nationwide roll-out of the SVAMITVA Scheme.
- It provides a detailed roadmap and guidelines for the various States in terms of the Scheme objectives, coverage, various components involved, year-wise funding pattern, survey approach and methodology, stakeholders involved and their roles and responsibility, monitoring and evaluation, and deliverables.
Important value additions
- It is a Central Sector Scheme.
- Ministry: Ministry of Panchayati Raj
- It was nationally launched by the Prime Minister on the occasion of National Panchayati Raj Day on 24th April 2021 after successful completion of the pilot phase of the Scheme in 9 States.
- Aim: To provide property rights to the residents of rural inhabited areas in India by using Drone survey and CORS Networks which provides mapping accuracy of 5 cms.
- In the States, the Revenue Department/Land Records Department will be the Nodal Department and shall carry out the scheme with the support of State Panchayati Raj Departments.