[WEEKEND WITH BABA] Fourth Live Session – Optional Subjects (Sociology and Geography) on 29th and 30th May

  • IASbaba
  • May 26, 2021
  • 0
Geography Optional, IASbaba Prelims 60 Days Plan, Sociology
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Dear Students

Thank you for a great response to the ‘Weekend With Baba’ Sessions.

For this week we are conducting a Live Zoom Session on Sociology and Geography Optional Subjects.

Details Regarding the Fourth Live Session

Sociology Optional


The session on Sociology will be taken by Dr. Vamshi Krishna sir on 29th May (Saturday) from 5 PM – 6 PM.

Zoom Session Details 

Topic: Why to Choose Sociology as an Optional
Time: May 29, 2021 05:00 PM

Join Zoom Meeting – https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81841944104?pwd=ajZyNk9BTVd6VFRlaXJpVnFjQXdpZz09

Meeting ID: 818 4194 4104
Passcode: 753428

Geography Optional


The session on Geography will be taken by Atyab Ali Zaidi sir on 30th May (Sunday) from 5 PM – 6 PM.

Zoom Session Details 

Topic: Why to Choose Geography as an Optional
Time: May 30, 2021 05:00 PM

Join Zoom Meeting – https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83685739522?pwd=OXpqSmZjOXg0aXlpOU90WUZFV1Nrdz09

Meeting ID: 836 8573 9522
Passcode: 205578


  • The Zoom link will be active only on the scheduled time and date.
  • Students will be allowed to participate in the session on a ‘first come first serve’ basis.

To Watch Previous ‘Weekend With Baba’ Sessions – CLICK HERE

You can start sharing your questions/queries/doubts with #ASKBABA (related to Sociology & Geography Optional Subjects) in disqus comment box below and Upvoting can follow. Remember maximum upvotes will be given priority.

Feel free to share your queries because many of the questions that you are having, will be the same as other candidates. Your questions might help others in clarifying their doubts.

Waiting to talk to you soon!

P.S: ‘CONNECT WITH BABA’ consists of the following – Hotline, #AskBaba, Phone-a-Friend, (Monday – Friday between 10 AM to 6 PM), and ‘Weekend with Baba’ (Every Saturday on YouTube from 6 PM – 7 PM).

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