UPSC Articles
RDSO becomes first Institution to be declared SDO
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-III – Economy
In news
- RDSO (Research Design & Standards Organization) of Indian Railways has become the FIRST Institution to be declared Standard Development Organisation (SDO) under “One Nation One Standard” mission of BIS ( Bureau of Indian Standards)
Key takeaways
- Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), which is the National Standards Body, has launched a scheme which provides for “Recognition of SDO” to attain “One Nation One Standard” vision of Government of India.
- Aim of the scheme: Aggregating and integrating the existing capabilities and dedicated domain specific expertise of various organizations in India which are engaged in standards development in their specific sectors.
- It will also enable convergence of all standard development activities resulting in “One National Standard for One Subject”.
- Research Designs & Standards Organization (RDSO), Lucknow, is the only Research & Development Wing of Ministry of Railways.