Anti-Leprosy Day

  • IASbaba
  • February 1, 2022
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Anti-Leprosy Day

Part of: Prelims and GS-II Health

Context: In India, Anti Leprosy Day is observed on 30th January every year.

  • 30th January is Mahatma Gandhi’s martyrdom day. He was deeply committed to the cause of leprosy-affected persons.

What is Leprosy?

  • Leprosy, also known as Hansen’s disease (HD), is a long-term infection by the bacteria Mycobacterium leprae or Mycobacterium lepromatosis.
  • Infection can lead to damage of the nerves, respiratory tract, skin, and eyes.
  • Leprosy is also one of the neglected tropical diseases.

Initiatives against Leprosy

  • National Leprosy Eradication Programme is a centrally sponsored scheme. Its vision is “Leprosy-free India”. 
  • Under this, action is taken for early case detection, complete treatment of detected cases and to contain the onset of disease in close contacts.
  • Other initiatives under the programme include leprosy awareness campaigns and services for Disability Prevention and Medical Rehabilitation such as provision of Microcellular Rubber footwear, Aids & Appliances and self-care kits.
  • Under the programme, Reconstructive Surgeries are conducted and welfare allowance is paid to each patient undergoing Reconstructive Surgeries.

News Source: Newsonair

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