Day 72 – Q 1. Adherence to fundamentalism has little correlation with one’s education or socioeconomic status. Critically comment. (10 Marks)

  • IASbaba
  • April 12, 2022
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TLP-UPSC Mains Answer Writing
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1. Adherence to fundamentalism has little correlation with one’s education or socioeconomic status. Critically comment. (10 Marks)

कट्टरवाद का किसी की शिक्षा या सामाजिक आर्थिक स्थिति से बहुत कम संबंध होता है। समालोचनात्मक टिप्पणी करें।


Candidates need to write about the fundamentalism and explain it. Then provide both side of arguments fundamentalism due to lack of education and worst socioeconomic conditions also highlight other factors leading to fundamentalism. 


Fundamentalism refers to one’s unwavering belief in the infallibility of the religious / philosophical scriptures in all matters of faith, religion and philosophy. The attachment or belief is such strong that the believer takes a militant stand sometimes.


Fundamentalism due to lack of education or poor socioeconomic status:

  • Many fundamentalists are characterised as intolerant of those with views in opposition of their own or those with secular beliefs this is due to lack of secular education. 
  • Lack of quality education leading to blindly follow rules and regulations and beliefs propounded by religion. For example madrasa or gurukuls or church based study.
  • Uneven development, class divisions, poverty and unemployment aggravates insecurity in the common men which make them vulnerable to political manipulation.
  • The failure to adopt the scientific and technological education and thus, insufficient representation in the public service, industry and trade etc has led to the feeling of relative deprivation among marginalized section due to which they get influenced. 

Fundamentalism despite good economic status and education:

  • Many top highly educated personalities have propounded the fundamentalism such as Osama bin laden. 
  • Large number of well educated people support and speak the same way as the fundamentalist leaders speak and advocate against the scientific thought or new ideas.
  • It is often accused of sensationalism and disseminates rumours by social media and mainstream channels which sometimes resulted into further communal tension.
  • Technological advances, such as TV, cable television and satellite transmission, have facilitated the rise of ‘e-religion’.


Today, religious fundamentalism poses greatest threat to the peace and development of society and nation. Government should adopt multipronged approach like equitable development of minorities, poor population, strengthening education system moral values, teaching humane essence of different religions, creation and broadening access to employment opportunities to all. 

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