Day 72 – Q 2. Do you think economic and political instability in the neighboring countries can create security threats for India? Substantiate your views. (10 Marks)

  • IASbaba
  • April 12, 2022
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TLP-UPSC Mains Answer Writing
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2. Do you think economic and political instability in the neighboring countries can create security threats for India? Substantiate your views. (10 Marks)

क्या आपको लगता है कि पड़ोसी देशों में आर्थिक और राजनीतिक अस्थिरता भारत के लिए सुरक्षा खतरे पैदा कर सकती है? अपने विचारों की पुष्टि करें।


Students are expected to give basic information on neighborhood instability like Pakistan and Sri Lanka and explain how it will impact the India’s security what will be threats. 


Sri Lanka is facing its worst-ever economic downturn while Pakistan is witnessing an intense political struggle. While Taliban hardliners continue to tighten their iron grip on Afghanistan there is civil war-like situation in Myanmar this type of surrounding can impact our security. 


Economic and political instability and threats to security of India:

  • India is expected to closely monitor the developments in neighborhood given its long history of issues with its neighbour.
  • With socio-cultural identities cutting across the borders and recent instability it is a bit obvious that there are some contentious issues with the neighbours.
  • Pakistan actively supporting various terrorist groups to carry out another Pulwama-like incident in the India with new establishment it can push such acts more. 
  • Political instability and disorder in its periphery impacts India’s security directly or indirectly. Proxy war between India and Pakistan adds to this security risk.
  • Instability situation can give rise to active support to radicalise the youth of not just Kashmir but also Punjab and Northeast India is very detrimental to India’s demographic dividend.
  • The issue of drug smuggling is also destroying the social fabric of Indian society due Pakistan Myanmar vicinity and to India being in the middle of the ‘Golden Crescent’ and ‘Golden triangle’.
  • One major threat perception is related to the Rohingya Muslim community and Tamilians  entering Indian borders illegally due to persecution and difficulties in their home country this can create refugee crisis. 
  • The situation has worsened due to the changed demographic profile of many Border States and shift in ethnic balance of communities as a result of illegal migration for example Assam.


India should show the farsightedness for regional integration and multilateralism. Since changing geography is not possible India should be prepared for any instability and unforeseen adventure by the neighbouring country while also exploiting all the diplomatic and peaceful channels to resolve disputes.

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