Day 72 – Q.3 Discuss the impact of the use of digital technologies by extremist groups in promoting their ideologies and disrupting internal security in India. Evaluate the measures taken by the government to monitor and prevent the spread of extremist propaganda online, and enhance digital security.

GS 3, Internal Security, TLP-UPSC Mains Answer Writing

Discuss the impact of the use of digital technologies by extremist groups in promoting their ideologies and disrupting internal security in India. Evaluate the measures taken by the government to monitor and prevent the spread of extremist propaganda online, and enhance digital security.

अपनी विचारधाराओं को बढ़ावा देने और भारत में आंतरिक सुरक्षा को बाधित करने में चरमपंथी समूहों द्वारा डिजिटल प्रौद्योगिकियों के उपयोग के प्रभाव पर चर्चा करें। ऑनलाइन चरमपंथी प्रचार के प्रसार की निगरानी और रोकथाम और डिजिटल सुरक्षा को बढ़ाने के लिए सरकार द्वारा किए गए उपायों का मूल्यांकन करें।


Candidates can start the answer with giving basic idea of how extremist group uses the digital technologies and simply evaluate measures taken by government to tackle situations.


Widespread availability of digital technologies, including social media platforms and encrypted communication tools, has enabled extremist groups to reach a wider audience and carry out their activities more effectively. The use of digital technologies by extremist groups has had a significant impact on their ability to promote their ideologies and disrupt internal security in India.


  • Promotion of extremist ideologies: Digital technologies have enabled extremist groups to disseminate their ideologies and propaganda to a wider audience, including vulnerable populations. This has allowed them to reach potential recruits and influence their beliefs and actions.
  • Coordination and planning of attacks: The use of encrypted communication tools and social media platforms has made it easier for extremist groups to coordinate their activities, including the planning and execution of attacks.
  • Disrupting internal security: The use of digital technologies by extremist groups has also had a disruptive impact on internal security in India. For example, the spread of false information and misinformation on social media has led to social unrest and violence in some cases.
  • Use of dark net and dark web: the ability of extremist groups to communicate and coordinate their activities through encrypted channels has made it more difficult for law enforcement agencies to detect and prevent attacks.

In response to these challenges, the Indian government has taken several measures to address the use of digital technologies by extremist groups. Some of these measures include:

  • Strengthening domestic laws and regulations: The Indian government has strengthened its domestic laws and regulations to regulate the use of digital technologies and clamp down on illegal activities such as the spread of hate speech and incitement to violence.
  • Countering online extremism: The Indian government has also been working to counter online extremism by promoting counter-narratives and alternative viewpoints through social media and other digital platforms.
  • Enhancing cyber security: The Indian government has been strengthening its cyber security capabilities to detect and prevent the use of digital technologies by extremist groups to carry out their activities.


While it has presented new challenges for the Indian government, efforts are underway to counter this threat and to ensure the safe and secure use of digital technologies for all citizens. A transparent and accountable approach to digital security, along with meaningful engagement with civil society and stakeholders, can help to ensure that the measures taken are effective and proportionate.

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