Creative Guidance – NLP Learning Strategy Observation – Inspirational & Educative Articles

  • IAS baba
  • May 28, 2017
  • 4
Inspirational & Educative Articles
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NLP Learning Strategy Observation:

NLP has enormous implications both for personal as well as professional development. Since NLP assumes nothing and is ever flowing and adjusting to the changing human behaviour, it is the most practical system of understanding action, motive for action and the underlying structures of change.

Let us look at how you can use NLP to understand your own internal learning strategy and how you can maximize your ability to learn, unlearn and relearn.

The first and the most important ingredient required to apply your NLP skill is your ability to objective observe your actions to the minutest of details. Let’s take an example of reading. Next time when you begin to read, observe each and every detail of your learning process. Observe the kind of images you generate in your mind to pick up a book and read and observe how your internal thought process influences your decisions to read or not to read.

Through careful observation you will be able to recognize tiny patterns which are governing your learning strategy. By observing these patterns you can begin to work with them to change unwanted or useless behaviour. If you are holding on to too much of negative thought process about reading or picking up a book, you will be able to recognize this as an internal pattern. Once recognized it is easier to change the behaviour.

NLP can be effectively used to observe, change and re-pattern behaviour. Once you start using NLP to bring about changes in your language, thought structure and actions, you will be amazed at the results you can achieve. Using NLP, you can bring the unconscious thought patterns governing actions into conscious awareness and this makes all the difference.

To take a simple example of reading, writing and recollecting information. Although on the surface, this looks like a simple set of routine activities, there is an enormous depth and complexity to these seemingly simple actions. A simple action like reading, writing and recollecting information is governed by a complex set of internal thought patterns.

Even before you decide to read, there is a trigger in your mind that lets you know when and how to read. Simple thought patterns are set in your mind through repetition. These repetitive thought patterns decide how you read, how much you read and also how well you read.

To be continued….

“The articles are a copyright of The Ahamo Movement and IASBABA.”


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