SYNOPSIS [4th August,2021] Day 148: IASbaba’s TLP (Phase 1): UPSC Mains Answer Writing (General Studies)


1. From economic and strategic point of view, port development is a vital component of India’s infrastructure priorities. Elucidate. 


Introduce with statistics on importance of ports in Indian scenario.In next part focus on elucidating with help of different points on importance of ports from strategic and economic perspective as part of Infrastructure.While doing this you need to make use of examples to make it more specific.In conclusion you can write a future direction needed in ports development.


According to the Ministry of Shipping, around 95 per cent of India’s trading by volume and 70 per cent by value is done through maritime transport. India is the sixteenth largest maritime country in the world, with a coastline of about 7,517 km. The Indian ports and shipping industry plays a vital role in sustaining growth in the country’s trade and commerce.Thus ports development have both strategic and economic implications for India.


India has 12 Major Ports, administered by the Central Government, and around 200 notified Non-Major Ports, administered by the State Governments. In 2014-15, out of the 200 Non-Major Ports, 69 ports were reported to have handled cargo traffic. The infrastructure sector, particularly the Maritime Sector, is expected to grow significantly with the increase in international and domestic trade volumes.

Considering the objective on US $5 trillion economy, ports have an instrumental role to play. They constitute both strategic as well as economic significance.

Economic Significance

Strategic Significance


As per the studies conducted under the Sagarmala Programme, it is expected that by 2025, cargo traffic at Indian ports will be approximately 2500 MMTPA while the current cargo handling capacity of Indian ports is only 1500 MMTPA. A roadmap has been prepared for increasing the Indian port capacity to 3300+ MMTPA by 2025 to cater to the growing traffic. This includes port operational efficiency improvement, capacity expansion of existing ports and new port development.This will help in achieving both the economic and strategic goals for India.

2. How does highway development lead to positive spillover effects? Is it happening in India also? Critically analyse. 


Introduce with importance of Highways in an economy.In next part write what are the positive spillovers of Highways with giving different dimensions.In next part write specific positive effects with respect to India.In next part write some drawbacks of highways development with examples.In conclusion balance both the positive effects and limitations discussed in body part.


Highways are the arteries through which the economy pulses. By linking producers to markets, workers to jobs, students to school, and the sick to hospitals, roads are vital to any development agenda.Across the world, highways are seen as drivers of economic growth. They connect cities, transport goods and help bring people together.The roads such as national expressway, golden quadrilateral in India have had enormous positive spillover effect on the regional and national development.


A highway is the main public road that connects different cities, towns and at times, villages etc. together. It is a major and significant public road that is able and fit to carry fairly heavy traffic. Substantial investments on road infrastructure developments by government at the different levels e.g. federal, state and local government are also frantic efforts to attracting investors that will promote the economy.

Positive effects of highways:

India has implemented two major schemes to improve highways, they are Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana and Golden Quadrilateral. India also witnessed the above mention positive spillover impacts like:

However, there are various negative consequences of highway development too:


Development of Highways brings multiple socio-economic benefits to the urban and  rural areas which form a strong base of the National economy and it is a powerful instrument for the socio-economic transformation of the cities and villages.Further to avoid negative externalities such as displacement and loss of productive land there is need for better Impact assessment studies.

3. What in your opinion are the key priorities for India’s power sector? Discuss. 


Introduce with giving brief points on Indian power sector.In next part focus on what are the issues plaguing Indian power sector.In complementary to the issues write what are key priorities for Indian power sector.In conclusion summarise India’s progress and future targets.


Power is one of the most critical components of infrastructure crucial for the economic growth and welfare of nations. India’s power sector is one of the most diversified in the world. Sources of power generation range from conventional sources such as coal, lignite, natural gas, oil, hydro and nuclear power to viable non-conventional sources such as wind, solar, and agricultural and domestic waste


Problems in Indian Energy sector

India’s Next Generation Priorities in Power Sector :


India has come a long way from power deficit country to power surplus nation.From here the target for Indian power sector should be to increase the load of green energy in the energy mixture for sustainable development.Further there needs to be focus on increasing the efficacy and efficiency of per unit of production with help of technology such as smart meter, smart grids and better monitoring of transmission lines to avoid theft.

TLP Synopsis Day 148 PDF

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