
TOPIC: General Studies 3

Prarambh- The Startup India International Summit has been organised by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce and Industry. 

Focus: Enhancing multilateral cooperation and engagement with countries from around the globe to collectively develop and strengthen the startup ecosystems.

India and Startups

These startups are changing the ‘demographic characteristics of businesses’ and the biggest USP of the startup world is its ‘disruption and diversification capacity’. Startups are quick to respond in getting the economy back to shape, in getting the livelihood going, and in the fight to get rid of diseases

Start-up India seed fund worth Rs 1,000 crore

Government e-Marketplace 

About GeM:

The Way Forward

Together we serve one-fifth of the world’s population and have USD 3.8 trillion GDP strength. The ongoing decade is a decade of innovation and the future technology will come from Asia’s laboratory and that the nation should take the responsibility to develop the ecosystem. – Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Important value additions

Start-Up Village Entrepreneurship Programme (SVEP) 

SCO Startup Forum to be launched

Key takeaways

Connecting the Dots:

  1. What are the challenges facing the start-up ecosystem in India? Discuss. In this regard, critically assess the efficacy of measures adopted by the government under the Start-up India scheme.


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