SYNOPSIS [23rd March,2021] Day 62: IASbaba’s TLP (Phase 1): UPSC Mains Answer Writing (General Studies)


1. What are the challenges and issues regarding the functioning of NGOs in India? Analyse.  


Candidates are expected to write about the NGOs in India and then expected to write about the challenges and issues regarding the functioning of the NGOs in the India.


As defined by the World Bank NGOs refers to not-for-profit organisations that pursue activities to relieve suffering, promote the interests of the poor, protect the environment, provide basic social services, or undertake community development. 


NGOs in India –

However, these new regulations put onerous conditions on NGOs, educational and research institutions that have partnerships, including of a financial nature, with foreign entities. Let us analyse the Challenges regarding the functioning of the NGOs in India –

Issues regarding the NGOs functioning in India –

Way forward –


The recent Centre for Policy Research survey found most of IAS officers surveyed considered NGOs and civil society as critical partners in the pandemic response. Thus NGO acts as social mediator within different levels of society by various agents to change social and behavioural attitudes within the prevailing social environment for achieving desired results of change in society.

2. In the development process, how critical is the role of non-government actors?



Candidate can define the non-government actors and then with the help of some examples and data, role in the development process can be stated.


Non-state actors include organizations and individuals that are not affiliated with, directed by, or funded through the government.  These include corporations, private financial institutions, and NGOs, as well as paramilitary and armed resistance groups.  


Importance of non-government actors –

Development process and non-government actors –


Non-government actors are essential part of development process as they ensure transparency and effective implementation of government policies. They can provide a viable and people friendly alternatives as they work on bottom up approach and represent voices of marginalised. As an effective form of pressure group NGO’s are vital for democratic functioning of a nation but at the same time vigilance on non state actors is important to protect national security and not get pressurised by external forces.

3. What role do panchayats play in the socio-economic development of rural India? How can their participation be made more effective and result oriented? Suggest.  


Explain the role and suggest how their participation be made more effective and result oriented.


The Panchayats are expected to play an important role in rural development in India, particularly after independence. Plan documents of both the central and state governments and various committees have emphasized the importance of these bodies in the polity.





The role of panchayat Raj institutions as instruments of rural reconstruction and development needs no emphasis. They have been reorganized with wider powers and financial resources not merely as institutions of political participation but institutions of social and economic development. Panchayat Raj has come to be associated with two broad images. First, it is a government by itself and second it is an agency of the state government. In the integrated exercise of planning for social and economic development, co-ordinate roles, the present set up is a three-tier representative structure of government where the administrators, elected leaders and local population participate in the developmental effort.

4. Sri Lanka has immense strategic importance for India. Do you agree? Comment in the light of the evolving geopolitics in the Indian Ocean region.


Students are expected to write about the strategic importance of Srilanka for India in context of evolving geopolitics in the Indian ocean region, also it is important to mention about the challenges in the relationship between India and Srilanka and India’s historical and cultural connect also needs to be briefly mentioned.


Sri Lanka, an island nation in the Indian Ocean, is separated from India by the Palk Strait – a bare 22 miles of water. It is of prime importance for India’s security and the security of the Indian Ocean. This island nation lies astride the major sea lanes of communication from Europe to East Asia and the oil tanker routes from the oil producing countries of the Gulf to China, Japan and other Pacific countries. In the military sense it is important to the United States as these same sea routes are used for transference of naval power from the Pacific Ocean to the Indian Ocean and the Gulf. India too has a vital strategic stake in Sri Lanka for her own security interests. An unfriendly Sri Lanka or a Sri Lanka under influence of a power unfriendly to India would strategically discomfit India. Sri Lanka is also strategically important to India in terms of her Indian Ocean strategy and in terms of networking of partners for her aims of establishing an Indian Ocean Rim Community.


Strategic importance of Srilanka for India –

Challenges on this front –


India-Sri Lanka relations will no doubt be shaped by the dynamic nature of international relations and great power rivalry. Some of the anti-China rhetoric coming from the US will die down post US elections in November 2020, though current tensions are not all cyclical. Certain structural challenges are likely to persist regardless of the US election results and these will have a long-term impact on US-China bilateral relations but importantly on the political dynamics in the Indian Ocean region. In the meantime, India should take cautious comfort in Srilanka’s acknowledgment that Indian Ocean is of strategic importance and must remain a zone of peace.

5. Examine the role of democracy in economic development.


A simple and straightforward question where in the candidate needs to examine the role of democracy in economic development through multiple arguments and substantiation of the same.


Democracy is a form of political system which provides agency to every stakeholder and is often held to be the ideal political system, conferring growth and prosperity on nations’ citizens; however, this paradigm of thought has come under increasing debate. While many consider a positive correlation between democracy and economic growth, others have opined neutral or even negative impacts.


Among the various systems of government, popular perception and contemporary trends hold ‘democracy’ to be the ‘ideal’. In 1960, 39% of nations were considered to be a democracy; by 2010 that proportion had risen to 61%. However, the somewhat simplistic yet prevailing belief that democracy improves people’s lives, and in particular their material wealth, has come under increasing scrutiny –

But at the same time, estimates suggest that a country that switches from non-democracy to democracy achieves about 20 percent higher GDP per capita over the past three decades. Here, democracy’s intricate and inevitable links to economic development can be seen from the following points –

Further, democracy helps in economic development of the following factors –


Jagdish Bhagwati had opined, ‘there is no “cruel dilemma” of nations being forced to choose between democracy and economic progress’, which throws light on the all-inclusive nature of democracy but this is not to suggest that democracy is infallible and that it cannot be improved and made more effective. Ensuring that political democracy is practised robustly and contributes to capacity building and economic freedom is a continuous and ongoing national endeavour. But democratic polity does offer a better framework, compared to autocracy, for economic progress.

TLP HOT Synopsis Day 62 PDF

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