TLP 2016 OPTIONAL – Geography [Day 40]

  • October 14, 2016
  • 24
Mains Examination, TLP Geography Optional
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Must Refer to Geography Plan and StrategyClick Here

Think Learn & Perform (TLP) : Geography [Day 40]


1. On the outline map of India provided to you, mark the location of all of the following. Write in your QCA Booklet the significance of the locations, whether physical/commercial/economic/ecological/environmental/cultural in not more than 30 words for each entry: (2 x 5 =10 marks)

  1. Tungbhadra river
  2. Bhakra Nangal dam
  3. Madurai
  4. Varanasi
  5. Shivalik ranges

2. Briefly explain the following terms in not more than 50 words each: (5 x 5 =25 marks)

  1. Van Thunen’s model of agricultural location
  2. Geopolitics of South China Sea
  3. Bulk gaining industries
  4. SAARC satellite as a tool of cooperation in South Asia
  5. Pattern of agriculture in Netherlands

3. Discuss the significance of blue water navy for India in the light of the maritime geopolitics of the Indian Ocean. (20 marks)

4. Weber’s theory of industrial location has limited applicability today. Do you agree? Critically examine. (15 marks)

5. Examine the need of having BIMSTEC as the rallying platform for South Asian nations vis a vis SAARC. (15 marks)


Note: No separate links will be provided for answering the questions. All questions can be answered on the same page.

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