IASbaba's Daily Current Affairs Analysis, International, National, UPSC
The deal in Iran
- Nuclear agreement marks a new era in Iranian politics.
- But political troubles await the Middle East.
- The marathon nuclear talks between Iran and the major powers continue, while both sides are trying to keep their cards close to the chest in order to get to what Iranian Foreign Minister called a “just” deal.
What is the role of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)?
- Under the new framework drawn up in Lausanne, Iran agrees to substantially scale down its nuclear activities to prevent any attempt to develop nuclear weapons.
- In return, Tehran has asked for immediate relief vis-a-vis economic and financial sanctions that have suffocated the economy by decreasing Iran’s oil exports and its ability to earn foreign currency.
- But there are tougher issues to be resolved.
- Among these is the role of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in keeping tabs on Iran’s nuclear sites to ensure that Tehran indeed reduces its capacities.
- However, the IAEA’s demand to visit Iran’s military bases has been rejected as a “red line” by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
Who are other Important Players of this Deal?
- The Obama administration and the Europeans have invested enormous political capital in their Israeli and Saudi critics, by relying on tight sanctions that crippled Iran’s economy and forced Tehran to negotiate.
- Moreover, the Americans are trying to construct a nuclear deal that would give them the flexibility to reimpose limited sanctions without putting the whole process in danger.
- But tailoring limited sanctions is as difficult as knowing the right moment to lift them.
- One of the insurmountable obstacles would be the factional war in Iran’s domestic politics.
- The final deal will certainly heighten political tensions within Iran, giving a political boost to Rouhani’s cabinet and the reformists in the 2016 parliamentary elections.
- Having the final say on all matters of state, the supreme leader ensures that no group including the Revolutionary Guards and the ultra-conservatives gains enough power to challenge the status quo.
Connecting the dots:
- Write a note on Marathon Nuclear Talks.
- Discuss the effects that a nuclear deal might have on the future of Iranian civil society?
Security agencies, not politicians, to decide over AFSPA
- The AFSPA is applicable on Jammu and Kashmir and some north eastern states. Civil society organisations have been seeking its revocation alleging misuse as it gives sweeping powers to security forces.
- Revocation of the AFSPA is part of the ‘Agenda of Alliance’ the common minimum programme on which the PDP formed government with the BJP in Jammu and Kashmir.
- “While both parties have historically held a different view on the AFSPA and the need for it in the State at present, as part of the agenda for governance of this alliance, the coalition government will examine the need for de-notifying ‘disturbed areas’.
Who should decide on the withdrawal of AFSPA?
- Security agencies should have the last word on revocation of AFSPA in Jammu and Kashmir instead of any political functionary hat is my consistent point of view that this is a subject where the last word should come from the security agencies.
- Any political functionary on any of the highest post can provide suggestions on the issue but cannot be a deciding factor-said Minister of State in the PMO
Did India Fail Its Own Constitution in Kashmir?
- India has neglected international obligations and its own constitution by ignoring human rights violations allegedly carried out in the name of national security in Jammu and Kashmir State an Amnesty International report released says.
- The report says that no member of the security forces deployed in the northern-most state over the past 25 years of militancy in the region has been tried for human rights violations in a civilian court.
- “An absence of accountability has ensured that security force personnel continue to operate in a manner that facilitates serious human rights violations,” the group says in the report
Connecting the dots:
- Discuss the Flaws in Controversial Armed Forces (Jammu and Kashmir) Special Powers Act, 1990.
- Who should decide over the revoking of the AFSPA?
- Did emergency law fuel the army abuses in Indian Kashmir?
National Agriculture Market
- The Cabinet on gave its nod for the setting up of a National Agriculture Market
which would require a single licence for market operations, single point of levy of market fee and electronic auction as a mode of price discovery.
- The single licence will be valid for all farm markets across each State.
What is National Agriculture Market?
- The Online national agriculture market will provide more options to farmers for selling their produce.
- Move is expected to give choice to farmers to sell the farm produce both in physical mandis or online platform.
- The free access to sell via online trade is likely to boost their incomes and improve availability, moderating price rise.
What is the Need for National Agriculture Market?
- Currently, farmers are restricted to selling their produce at mandis or market committees that charge various taxes on producers.
- Sources said an online platform would be set up wherein farmers will be able to sell and buy fruits, vegetables and other produce from across the country.
- An agency would be set up to oversee online trading and to ensure that transactions take place smoothly.
- It will also focus on creating godowns and facilitating transportation of the farm produce after the online trade, sources added.
Connecting the dots:
- How will the National Agriculture Market contribute to the Minimum export prices?
- Will the national agriculture market benefit the rural farmers?
- Write a note on Essential Commodities Act (ECA), 1955.