Synopsis and Review-Think and Learn [Day 3]

  • IASbaba
  • July 2, 2015
  • 5
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Synopsis and Review-Think and Learn [Day 3]


Note- We apologize for delay in reviews. Yesterday, met with some unprecedented issues so couldn’t do well. The team is also running Prelims Programs and other initiatives (also working on future initiatives). Anyways, none of an excuse. We hope our efforts are building some confidence in you. We promise to build it stronger and more productive. And for that to happen, we are collaborating with more members from our fraternity. Again, our suggestion is to focus on Prelims more and do writing practice in your leisure time. It is a practical suggestion. We will come up with a detailed strategy for MAINS in few days ( Many requests piling up for this). 


Important- From tomorrow, we will provide synopsis the second day. Additionally, we will put next day’s questions at 11-12 at night.  We are not giving references or a concrete plan for Think and Learn, for the simple reason that its not going to help you out as of now. We have a well planned and specific initiative for Think and Learn and Mains for you right after Prelims. We will announce it in few days. But just not to panic you, we are not starting or announcing anything right now. Focus on Prelims. Follow our Prelims Plan and take tests regularly.

Reason– To let the Night Birds prepare the issues before hand 🙂 Thanks to the request of Dark Night. 


Wednesday, July 1st

1) The French Revolution was an utter failure in regime change, but was a grand success in ideological change in the thinking of the masses. Discuss the various thinkers and the ideas behind this revolution. (200 Words, 10 Marks)

For this question, it will be prudent to explain the first statement well – Saying that the French Revolution was not able to abolish monarchy as such, in fact, it took another 70 years to bring in the ideas as laid by the Revolution, so the political factor did not change much. But what makes FR stand out is the major ideological change which it could bring in the thinking of the people. Most of the citizens were in the feudal mindset, and had no concept of equality, which was fully changed by some of the thinkers.

Then, mentioning each of the four thinkers and writing a compact one-line synopsis of his philosophy would do.

The Model Answer for this question is taken from the Top Answer written by Santosh Venkatesh, and we dont think we can add any more to it.

Ans) “One of the main outcomes of the French revolution is the ideological impact it made in a global scale, including India. Ideas such as Liberty, Fraternity and Equality enshrined in the preamble of the constitution are from the French revolution
The ideologies and values for the French revolution came from the intellectual developments in France. Montesquieu spoke about separation of powers and Spirit of law. Locke and Voltaire expressed in their works the basic rights any citizen should have. Rousseau noted that Religious toleration and freedom of speech are essential. These intellectuals based their philosophies on rationalism and reasoning. These caught the imagination of the people of France who eventually became the social base for the events in French revolution such as Storming of Bastille.
But the regime change was a failure as political and economic conditions worsened .Inflation grew to epic proportions. The suspension of constitution, removal of civil liberties, the reign of terror and the beheading of the king did not reflect the ideals on which revolution was built.
Hence the success of French revolution can be based on ideals it created for future rather than its economic and political changes that followed it.”

2) Cooperative federalism is the only democratic way for the smooth functioning of Centre-State interactions. Illustrate. (200 Words, 10 Marks)

This question is a very easy one, but a very tricky one too, as it has a very broad scope and many variety of points can be written from various different topics. So, if one just writes two-three points in details, he would miss out on the broader perspective.

Thus even though this question appears easy, it would fetch less marks to the majority of the candidates, as the examiner can always say that some of the important points are missing.

Anyways, we have been told that our IASBaba’s Model Answer and the Top Answer written by the aspirants are very similar, so there is no point in duplication of work. We shall do the required adjustments or additions to the Top Answer, and would publish just one answer for each question.

The Model/Top Answer for this question is written, within the 200 word-limit by – Subash Tadala

 Ans) India formation itself is a union of states unlike the “united” federal units of other countries. This itself demands a co-operation between the central and federal entities.

The way the co-operative federalism strengthens the unity fabric of India can be illustrated as follows:
Policy Support: Though a policy devised by the centre its success depends on the implementation by the states. Hence a cooperation from the states is inevitable in this regard. NITI Aayog can be one such initiative to ensure smooth implementation.
Finance Support: Despite a policy support by the support by the states, the states must be infused with the required funds to bring the outcomes. 14th Finance commission recommendations to raise the net shareable income can help in this matter.
Foreign Policy: These foreign policy decisions if taken by bypassing the concerned border states will yield nothing but unsustainability. Hence cooperation from the states and in turn support from the centre is a must
to ensure success.
All India Services: Though not much discussed, AIS must be viewed as a support for the development of state policies than controlling the states through suspicion.
Finally in all these issues, the success depends on co-operation and mutual trust between centre and states.”


3) The Economic Survey is superior to the Annual Budget in almost every single way, but the Budget is more important for the running of a democracy. Explain. (200 Words, 10 Marks)

This is a direct explanation of the sentence, and the statement is pretty simple too. The first part should explain why ES is better and more technical than the Budget. And the second part, where it reasons why the Budget is more important because even though the ES shows the exact economic scenario without any manipulations, the Budget, on the other hand, can be manipulated however the ruling government wants.

The Model/Top Answer for this is written by Prerna Bajaj-

A) ES and the budget are two important documents which presents the financial health of the country,policies and programmes of the union govt.

Economic survey highlights the economic trends in the country and facilitates the better appreciation of the mobilisation of resources, whereas the annual financial statement(Art 112) is laid down as per the provisions of the constitution.It is not merely the statement of revenue and expenditure,it presents the macro-economic framework and fiscal policy by taking a cue from the economic survey.

Budget consists of various important bills i.e Appropriation bill which represents the demand of various ministries which directly relates to the share of allocation for various policies.

Finance bill consists of remission,alteration etc for tax which has direct impact on the pockets of the people.

Thus budget is very important for meeting the aspirations of the people and presents policies for their well being whereas economic survey is just an important technical document which guides the government in making future policies basing on past and present trends.”

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