Think, Learn & Perform (TLP) – UPSC GS Mains [Day 3]

  • IASbaba
  • September 1, 2015
  • 70
TLP Mains 2015, Uncategorized
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Day 3 – Indian Economy – GS 3


Note- Click on the Questions to write answers. Password– TLP2015

Word Limit- 220

From now onward we will follow these guidelines for sustainable run of this initiative. 

  • For every question we will try our best to review ‘ONE BEST ANSWER and ONE NOT SO GOOD’
  • Why ONE BEST- So that for everyone it act as reference for improvement.
  • Why ONE NOT SO GOOD– So that others can realize and correct their mistakes

For everyone to get reviews we have zeroed on following scheme of reference:

Marking Scheme



  • Best Answer
  • Within Word Limit
  • Brilliant Structure & writing style along with super content
  • This is the answer, others have to look for as a bench mark other than our Synopsis and Review


  • Very Good answer
  • A bit of improvement is required
  • Do look for this answer for additional points and different approach if any


  • Decent Answer
  • Word Limit Exceeded
  • Some improvement in structure but content wise very good


  • Poor answer/average
  • Word Limit Exceeded
  • Needs lot of improvement


  • Very Poor answer/below average
  • Structure wise, content wise, writing style wise


Q.1 What is Special 301 report? Why is India kept in the Priority Watch List, in this report? Discuss the various IPR issues and their role in promoting foreign investment in India.

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Q.2 Why is the ‘Poverty Line’ methodology so controversial in India? Is the criticism justified? Narrate the evolution of various methodolgies and critically comment on each of them.

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Q.3  Discuss the major weaknesses in agricultural price policy of India. Suggest suitable remedial measures.

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Q.4 Discuss the reasons as to why outsourcing has become an economically beneficial mechanism for both rich and poor countries?

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Q.5 Critically evaluate the utility of the JAM initiative in facilitating financial inclusion.

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