Think Learn & Perform (TLP): Weekly Plan- [3 & 4]

  • IASbaba
  • September 11, 2015
  • 13
TLP Mains 2015
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Week 3 & 4 Plan



Best of luck for tomorrow’s Mini Test 🙂


Note- Questions will be based on Contemporary issues testing your analytical and conceptual clarity. Do not focus on sector specific study. Even if you have no data and facts, you can still write very good answer.


Day 15 (14th September) – Post-Independence India upto 1991 – GS 1

Issues to Focus on

  • N.Nehru and Non Alignment Movement
  • Sardar Patel and integration of Princely States
  • Social and Environmental Movements during this period


Day 16 – Executive and Judiciary – GS 2

  • Focus on recent issues
  • Judgements of SC
  • Past year questions- Themes


Day 17 – Science and Technology – GS 3

  • Recent Issues
  • Navy
  • Biotechnology
  • Space Related


Day 18 – Ethics, Aptitude and Integrity – GS 4

  • Quotes of famous personalities
  • Case Study


Day 19) World History – GS 1

  • Socialism in Russia
  • Hitler and his policy
  • Vietnam War


Day 20) Constitutional Bodies, Regulators etc. – GS 2

  • CAG- Recent issues
  • All India Judicial Services
  • Financial Institutions and their role like SEBI, IRDA etc


Day 21) Essay

  • Economy
  • Environment


Day 22 (21st September): GS 3 Environmental Issues

  • Current issues
  • Committees and Reports


Day 23: ETHICS

  • Case Study
  • Theoretical Questions


Day 24: Society and Sociology

  • Liberty and India Constitution
  • Some current affairs based issues- Analytical questions


Day 25:  RoPA, Election, Welfare Schemes

  • Current Affairs Based- Analytical Questions
  • MNREGA and other welfare schemes- recent issues


Day 26: Security Issues

  • Internet Governance related
  • Nuclear Issue related
  • Online Warfare etc


Day 27: Ethics

  • Case Study
  • Theoretical Questions


Day 28: Mini Test

  • Last two week’s syllabus

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