Think Learn & Perform (TLP): GS Mains Synopsis [Day 41]

  • October 12, 2015
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TLP: GS Mains Synopsis [Day 41]


Q.1) Write short notes on – a) Implicit attitudes b) Propaganda c) Brain washing


The Top Answer for this Question is written by – Vidhu

Ans) Implicit attitude:

These attitude are unconsciousness ones which are derived from our past memory and we are not aware of their presence. We unknowingly form our behaviour/response towards an object/person due to intuitions/past memories. Their formation is unintentional and involuntary and less under our control. Halo effect, past experiences, family/ society /cultural setup may help in its formation.

E.g. a person having pets at home will involuntary feel for the roadside animals and feed them on the way



It is that form of communication which intends to spread some agenda/idea in order to influence people and make them be part of the same agenda. It is a tool to mobilize the thought and action consciously or unconsciously to make them believe and act for your cause/agenda. It can be positive – calling people to be participative in democracy/pulse polio campaign or can be negative-inciting people in religious/communal/regional terms. It tries to bring people together using emotional touch rather than rational touch

Eg-Pulse Polio campaign propaganda, Nazi Anti-Semitism



This is a tool of persuasion and influencing other person by manipulating their attitude, beliefs, emotions. Powerful persuasive, coercive tools are used to change a person’s beliefs making him believe in your agenda. The affected person then fails to think and act independently and rationally and toes the line of thought of the influencer. A negative term which is used for inciting violence, hatred, divisions in the society by playing on the emotional weakness of the audience.

Eg. Indian students brainwashed by videos of radical ISIS agents to fight in Syria for ISIS

Q.2) ‘Persuasion involves a manipulation of a person which in itself can be regarded as an unethical conduct.’ Discuss.


The Top Answer for this Question is written by – Mu_11

Ans) Persuasion is the act of forcing a person into doing something which he is less likely to do given his own free will. It involves influencing a persons intellectual thinking capability. According to ethical principles any act of influencing/manipulating a person is inherently unethical.

However, persuasion receives support from two famous ethical schools of Utilitarianism and Hedonism. If persuasion is done for maximising net utility or pleasure, then according to Utilitarianism, it is ethical, for example : persuading people to use public transport facilities to reduce air pollution. On the same lines, if persuasion is used to maximise once’s own pleasure, examples : political leaders campaigning during elections, then also it can considered ethical.

Thus, persuasion cannot itself be considered an unethical practice. But if coercive means are used to persuade a person, then the ethicality of persuasion might be at stake, otherwise it might be similar to social & societal influence.

Q.3) Case Study


Ramesh, a young staff worker is diagnosed with a debilitating chronic disease. The recurrence of the condition results in his being absent from the office for extended periods of time. Ultimately, the work delegated to him goes on piling. This poses a dilemma for his superior, who, while wanting to be supportive of the suffering staff worker, has an obligation to the department head to be productive. Ramesh is the only child of his old parents. If he loses his job, his parents and family would suffer along with him. What course of action should the superior of Ramesh take that does not undermine Ramesh, and yet, at the same time help him carry out his responsibilities.


The Top Answer for this Question is written by – Maari

Ans) In above scenario the superior of Ramesh faces a ethical dilemma of maintaining productivity of work vs empathy towards his subordinate.

The course of action that superior should take so that his subordinate doesn’t feel undermined and also be helpful to him in carrying out his responsibilities is as follows :

1) As a leader giving him confidence that he would back him during this tough phase and he need not worry about job prospects, as unnecessary stress could affect his health and have impact on his productivity of his work.

2)Taking up part of Ramesh’s work as part of his daily responsibilities would send a strong message across the team and persuading other team members to chip in to their possible extent.

3) Carrying out a detail inquiry in to the Ramesh’s health condition and seek for any specialty help if possible and also financially helping him through company’s welfare policies(if any) or otherwise voluntarily contributing part of his salary and his team members.

4) Check whether its comfortable in project’s budget to recruit any other person at the same level(without removing Ramesh) so that other team members don’t feel over burdened.

The above actions would have following impact on Ramesh and other team members

1)Ramesh will productive in whatever little time he could work and will strive to give more than his 100%.

2)Other team members will also be reassured because of this kind of work environment as they would have their team members to back in case of any problems to them.

3)They would be the good will ambassadors of the company and their productivity and integrity towards organisation will be increased.


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