Think, Learn & Perform (TLP) – UPSC GS Mains [Day 57]

  • October 26, 2015
  • 2
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Day 57- World History

1. “The Treaty of Versailles was a dictated peace”. Do you agree?

2.’League of Nations bear considerable similarity with United Nation of contemporary times’. How far you agree with the statement?

3.Write a short note on  the nature of World War 1 and discuss its impact on the Women. 

4.The American Revolution was essentially an economic conflict between American capitalism and British Mercantilism. Comment 

5. “He was as great as a man can be without virtue”. Critically analyse the statement regarding Napoleon


High Order Thinking [HOT]

  1. Religious sentiments and personal freedom were at loggerheads during the recent controversy surrounding the ban on slaughter and consumption of meat. Why do such conditions arise? Does our Constitution lacks clarity in this regard? How much responsibility do you attribute to the political class for this controversy? 
  1. Acts of sedition can be serious internal security threat to the country. However, the very concept of sedition needs a closer review with respect to it’s interpretation, scope and misuse by the state. Examine the issue in light of the recent controversy surrounding the Maharashtra Government’s circular on sedition. 
  1. The recent policy change with respect to auction of oil and gas blocks is a step in the right direction to attract investments in the petroleum sector. Do you agree? Examine the issue in light of the advantages of the revenue sharing model over the production sharing model.

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