Think Learn & Perform (TLP): Weekly Plan- [7, 8 & 9]

  • IASbaba
  • October 11, 2015
  • 1
TLP Mains 2015
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Note- Questions will be based on Contemporary issues testing your analytical and conceptual clarity. Even if you have no data and facts, you can still write very good answers.

Week 7

[Day 43] 12th October, Monday: GS 1 Ancient and Medieval History

  • Influence of Buddhism
  • Comparison between
    • Ashoka & Akbar
    • Bahmani Kingdom &Vijaynagar Empire


[Day 44] 13th October, Tuesday: GS 2 Federalism and Separation of Powers

  • True Federalism
  • Quasi-Federalism
  • Extra-Constitutional Factors


[Day 45] 14th October, Wednesday: GS 3

Agricultural Issues

  • Drought & Agriculture
  • E-technology
  • Nanotechnology


[Day 46] 15th October, Thursday: GS 4

2 Theory Qs, 1 Case Study


[Day 47] 16th October, Friday: GS 1

Modern History and INM

  • Moderates & Extremists
  • Partition of Bengal
  • Revolutionary Terrorism
  • Nationalism during WorlD War-I


[Day 48] 17th October, Saturday: GS 2 Parliament and State Govts

  • State Creation
  • State Movement
  • Lists & disputesrelated to it
  • Other related issues


[Day 49] 18th October, Sunday REVISION + Essay


Week 8


[Day 50] 19th October, Monday GS 3 Industry and Infrastructure

  • Railways
  • Education
  • PPP Investment Model in Infrastructure
  • State of Handicrafts & Textiles


[Day 51] 20th October, Tuesday GS 4

2 Theory Qs, 1 Case Study


[Day 52] 21st October, Wednesday GS 1Post-Independence upto 1991

  • J. P. Movement
  • Naxalite Movement
  • Communalism
  • Emergency


[Day 53] 22nd October, Thursday GS 2 Executive and Judiciary

  • Ordinances
  • Judicial Review & Judicial Activism
  • Judicial Powers of President
  • Current Affairs based Analytical Questions


[Day 54] 23rd October, Friday GS 3 Science and Technology

  • Nuclear Energy
  • Computer
  • Material Science
  • Health


[Day 55] 24th October, Saturday GS 4

2 Theory Qs, 1 Case Study


[Day 56] 25th October, Sunday REVISION Mini – Test


Week 9


[Day 57] 26th October, Monday GS 1 World History

  • Japan: Military Fascism
  • Spain: Franco’s Fascism
  • Cold War
  • Contemporary Issues having relation with World History


[Day 58] 27th October, Tuesday GS 2 Constitutional Bodies, Regulators etc.

  • National Development Council
  • Sarkaria Commission Report
  • Zonal Councils
  • Role of UPSC


[Day 59] 28th October, Wednesday GS 3 Environmental Issues

  • Climate Change
  • Green Economy
  • Current Affairs based Analytical Questions


[Day 60] 29th October, Thursday GS 4

2 Theory Qs, 1 Case Study


[Day 61] 30th October, Friday GS 1 Society and Sociology

  • PURA & Other Rural Schemes
  • Current affairs based issues- Analytical questions


[Day 62] 31st October, Saturday GS 2 RoPA, Elections, Welfare Schemes

  • Election Committees
  • NGOs
  • Current affairs based issues- Analytical questions


[Day 63] 1st November, Sunday REVISION + Essay

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