Think, Learn & Perform (TLP) – UPSC GS Mains [Day 80]

  • November 18, 2015
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Think and Learn, TLP Mains 2015, UPSC, UPSC Mains- Think and Learn-2015
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1. ‘Globalization has affected Indian Art to a larger extent as it has affected India Economy’. Discuss the pros and cons of Globalization on Indian Arts

3. ‘History proved beyond doubt that every Empire that evolved and flourished across centuries created its own grave-diggers’. In this backdrop, do you think that the inherent contradictions that prevailed under the Mughal Empire led to the emergence of British colonial rule in India?


4. Even though the Supreme Court upheld the constitutional validity of the sedition law of the IPC and the Law Commission opined that the related provisions ought to remain in the statute books, there is a need to review the relevance of the sedition law. Critically examine.

5. Even though India improved it’s rank marginally in the list of countries released by the World Bank in ease of doing business, a segmented analysis of the constituent parameters of the report rather portrays a different picture altogether. Critically examine the issue in light of the World Bank rankings in ease of doing business.

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