Creative Guidance – Courage – Inspirational & Educative Articles

  • IAS baba
  • February 14, 2016
  • 9
Inspirational & Educative Articles
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They say that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step; very few people talk about the courage that is required to take that first step.

Courage is at the beginning of every extraordinary journey. Courage is the defining and distinguishing feature of all successful journeys.

There are very few people in the world who have no idea about what they want to be. Deep down almost everybody knows what fulfills and completes them; they simply lack the necessary courage to make the right choices.

So, what is courage? Courage is the ability to let go of the familiar in pursuit of the unknown. A journey wouldn’t be extraordinary if you knew exactly how it is going to happen. Courage is simply a dive into the unknown.

History is a witness to the tales of courage. Amidst the vast human herd of followers, few individuals step aside and walk the courageous unknown path towards success, happiness and fulfillment.

You don’t need any extraordinary powers to take bold and courageous decisions. You only need to let go of the familiar and be willing to experiment with the unknown. Courage is just a mixture of a little risk, a little uncertainty, a little fear and a little madness.

Courage is the only horse that can drag the chariot of madness across the unknown plains of experiences. Courage is what makes life what it is – An adventurous journey.

Take a few risks, embrace the unknown, face the uncertainties; your life will be a lot more exciting and richer. Courage hasn’t failed anybody, yet!

The articles are a copyright of The Ahamo Movement and IASBABA.”

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